【大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网2019年08月13日讯】2019年8月3日、4日,连续两天,位于美国德州的艾尔帕索(El Paso)及俄亥俄州的岱顿镇(Dayton)相继发生大规模枪击事件,不但造成人员的伤亡,又再次突显美国枪支泛滥问题;当然,枪手的身家背景、精神与心理状态,又再次沦为讨论与关注。
The First Lady and I join all Americans in praying and grieving for the victims, their families, and the survivors. We will stand by their side FOREVER!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Leaving El Paso for the White House. What GREAT people I met there and in Dayton, Ohio. The Fake News worked overtime trying to disparage me and the two trips, but it just didn’t work. The love, respect & enthusiasm were there for all to see. They have been through so much. Sad!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Serious discussions are taking place between House and Senate leadership on meaningful Background Checks. I have also been speaking to the NRA, and others, so that their very strong views can be fully represented and respected. Guns should not be placed in the hands of…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
….mentally ill or deranged people. I am the biggest Second Amendment person there is, but we all must work together for the good and safety of our Country. Common sense things can be done that are good for everyone!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
【译文】(接上文)我是宪法第二修正案(Second Amendment)最大的支持者,而我们都必须一起,为我们国家的好和安全,尽心尽力。做好常识(简单的事),就对每个人都有好处!
● grieve,动词/ɡriːv/哀悼悲伤
英解:to feel extremely sad because someone has died
例句:He is still grieving for/over his pet.(他仍在失去宠物的悲伤中。)
用法:让我生气的是…,英文说:It makes me angry that + 句子。让我伤心的是…,也可用:It grieves me that all this food is going to waste. (这些食物即将被浪费,真令我伤心。)
● victim,名词/ˈvɪktɪm/罹难(死)者、受害(伤)者
英解:someone who has been harmed, injured, or killed as the result of a crime
例句:Our government has provided financial aid to this typhoon victims.
casualty/ˈkæʒuəlti/ca-sual-ty,常用复数casualties,也指“伤亡人员”。The train was derailed but there were no casualties, police said.(根据警方,该火车出轨事件,没有造成人员伤亡。)
● overtime,副词/名词/ˈəʊvə(r)ˌtaɪm/加班(地)
英解:extra hours that someone works at their job
例句:They’re working overtime to get the job done on time.(他们加班以准时完成这项工作。)
用法:当不可数名词,I have been working much overtime lately. (我最近一直在加班。)也可当“加班费”。You can earn some overtime by working after 7 pm.(7点后工作,你可以算加班费。)
● disparage,动词/dɪˈspærɪdʒ/贬低
英解:to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value him, her, or it
例句:Never disparage yourself or minimize your strength.(永远不要贬低自己或小看你的力量。)
用法:同义字有:scorn(鄙视)、laugh at(嘲笑)、walk over(践踏),例如:The man would walk over other people to get what he wanted.(那人总是损人利己。)
● enthusiasm,名词/ɪnˈθjuːziˌæzəm/热忱
英解:the feeling of being very interested in something or excited by it
例句:One of the good things about teaching young children is their enthusiasm.(教孩子的优点之一就是他们对什么都充满兴趣。)
用法:失去…的热忱,lose enthusiasm for…。After the accident, Tom lost his enthusiasm for cycling.(事故后,汤姆丧失了对骑自行车的热情。)
● be through,动词词组/θruː/通过(经历)
英解:experiencing an unpleasant situation until it ends
例句:The railway runs through a tunnel.(铁路穿过隧道。)
用法:文中的 They have been through so much (hardship)省略“困境”。(他们穿过(经历)了那么多的痛苦。)
We have come through the struggle stronger and more united than we were before.(我们克服了比以往更大的艰难,也更加凝聚了我们的团结。)
● take place,动词/teɪk//pleɪs/举行、发生
英解:to happen
例句:The Olympics take place every four years.(奥运每四年举行一次。)
用法:The Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra will take place this year in Taiwan from the 18th of September to the 2nd of October.(神韵交响乐音乐会将在今年的9月18号到10月2号,在全台湾巡回演出。)
● leadership,名词/ˈliːdə(r)ʃɪp/领导权(地位)
英解:the position of being the leader or being in charge of an organization, country etc
例句:John has taken the leadership of the football team.(约翰已经接下足球队的领导权)
在某人的领导下,under sb’s leadership,例如:The party thrived under his leadership.(党在他的领导下蓬勃发展。)
As a leader, I don’t think he is capable of leadership. (作为领导者,我不认为他具备领导能力。)
● represent,动词/ˌreprɪˈzent/表达
英解:to express the views and opinions of a group of people
例句:I can only represent it to you by metaphors.(我只能用隐喻的方式向你表达。)
To many people the White House represents the identity of the United States.(在许多人看来,白宫就是美国的象征。)
● mentally ill,形容词/ˈmentəli//ɪl/精神上生病的
英解:not feeling well, not healthy, or suffering from a disease in relation to the mind
例句:Our society has become sick (mentally ill). The key of decreasing violence is to raise both mentally and physically healthy.(我们的社会已经病了。减少暴戾的关键是提升精神与身体的健康。)
用法:文中的 deranged,形容词/dɪˈreɪndʒd/de-RAN-ged,同样意思为“精神上不正常的”。
A deranged man shot and killed 14 people.(一个精神不正常的男子开枪打死了14人。)
● El Paso(艾尔帕索):
2019年8月3日,德州西部边境大城艾尔帕索(El Paso)的沃尔玛(Walmart)卖场发生大规模枪击事件,造成22人死亡、24人受伤。枪手是21岁白人男子克鲁修斯(Patrick Crusius),他从家乡达拉斯开了约九小时车到事发的艾尔帕索,艾尔帕索位于美墨边境,68万居民当中大部分是拉丁美裔。
● Dayton(岱顿):
2019年8月4日,俄亥俄州岱顿(Dayton)热闹的夜生活区俄勒冈(Oregon)发生枪击案件,造成9人身亡、27人受伤。当天凌晨时分,24岁的枪手贝特斯(Connor Betts)在岱顿一家受欢迎的酒吧内发起袭击,9名死者中包括了枪手的妹妹。
● National Rifle Association(NRA,美国全国步枪协会)
● Background Checks(身家背景调查)
● Second Amendment(美国宪法第二修正案)
● 英文有句话,”Learn a lesson.”(学到经验);也就是说,人生总在不断的犯错中,记取教训、学习成长。
● 试讨论,什么原因会造成一个人精神不正常?针对每个原因,请提出具体可行的预防之道?
● 试讨论,是否枪支的多寡,将容易造成更多的枪击事件?是否更多的死刑法律制定、更快速的死刑执行,将更容易吓阻重大犯罪的发生?又是否穿着较清凉、暴露,更容易引起歹徒的觊觎而犯下违法之事呢?
相关单字:Murder without intentions (无蓄意杀人)、Mass shootings (大规模枪击事件)、Clarify(厘清)、Precaution(预防措施)、firearm = gun(枪支)、Death penalty(死刑)、Crime(犯罪)、Wear revealing clothing(穿着清凉、暴露)、Commit a crime(犯法)#