With almost no inflation, our Country is needlessly being forced to pay a MUCH higher interest rate than other countries only because of a very misguided Federal Reserve. In addition, Quantitative Tightening is continuing, making it harder for our Country to compete. As good…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
….as we have done, it could have been soooo much better. Interest rate costs should have been much lower, & GDP & our Country’s wealth accumulation much higher. Such a waste of time & money. Also, very unfair that other countries manipulate their currencies and pump money in!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
It is far more costly for the Federal Reserve to cut deeper if the economy actually does, in the future, turn down! Very inexpensive, in fact productive, to move now. The Fed raised & tightened far too much & too fast. In other words, they missed it (Big!). Don’t miss it again!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
● inflation,名词/ɪnˈfleɪʃ(ə)n/通货膨胀
英解:an economic process in which prices increase so that money becomes less valuable
例句:They had expected a pay rise in line with inflation.(他们曾预期,加薪是和通膨有关。) The control of inflation is a key component of the government’s economic policy.
用法:动词 inflate,充气。We watch the hot-air balloon slowly inflate. (我们看着热气球慢慢(充气)胀大。)
● misguided,形容词/mɪsˈɡaɪdɪd/被误导的(判断失误的)
英解:a misguided idea or action is based on judgments or opinions that are wrong
例句:He described the government’s economic policy as misguided. (他认为政府的经济政策是错误的。)
用法:前缀词 mis-,有“错误的”意思;guide,动词,引导。misjudge,动词,“错误判断”,I misjudged the speed of the car coming towards me.(我误判了汽车驶向我的速度。)
● in addition,副词 /ɪn//əˈdɪʃ(ə)n/除此之外还…
英解:used for adding an extra piece of information to what has already been said or written
例句:Part-time English classes are offered. In addition, students can take classes in word-processing and computing. (除了在职英语课程的提供之外,学生还可以参加文字处理和电脑课程。)
用法:若后方要连接名词或动名词,必须使用 in addition to 。例句:Students choose from optional subjects in addition to the core curriculum.(除核心课程外,学生还可选择选修科目。)
● accumulation,名词/əˌkjuːmjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/积累
英解:an amount of something that has been collected
例句:Her only interest was the accumulation of money. (她唯一的兴趣是积攒钱财。)
用法:accumulate动词/əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt/累积,During our six years in this house, we seem to have accumulated an awful lot of junk.(住在这房子的六年里,我们似乎积累了大量的垃圾。)
● manipulate,动词/məˈnɪpjʊleɪt/操控(影响)
英解:to influence someone, or to control something, in a clever or dishonest way
例句:He knows how to manipulate an audience. (他知道如何操纵观众。)
用法:这个字在现今常被用来指称运用不诚实的聪明手段,企图影响或操控他人的方式。类似意思的单字:manoeuvre /məˈnuːvə(r)/ ma-noeu-vre = maneuver
例句:The other directors are trying to manoeuvre her into resigning. (其他董事在设法让她辞职。)
● pump in(into),动词/pʌmp//ɪn/挹注资金
英解:to invest a lot of money in something
例句:Mr. Kuo wants to pump money into the local baseball team. (郭先生想把钱投入当地的棒球队。)
用法:pump动词,“抽吸”的意思。抽水机(water pump)、打气筒(bike pump)、帮浦(pump),就是使用pump这个字。The pump is powered by a small electric motor.(帮浦是由一个小型的电动马达所带动。)
● turn down,动词 /tɜː(r)n//daʊn/转小(趋于疲弱)
英解:to reduce the amount of sound, heat, or light produced by a piece of equipment by pressing a button or moving a switch
例句:Can you turn the music down a bit? (你可以把音乐的音量调低一些吗?)
用法:另一个意思为,“拒绝”。He turned down the job because it involved too much traveling.(他拒绝了这份工作,因为出差太频繁。)
● raise,动词 /reɪz/提升
英解:to cause something to increase or become bigger, better, higher, etc.
例句:The government plan to raise taxes.(政府计划增税。)
用法:也可当“募款”,We managed to raise over NT$1,000,000 through holding sponsored events. (我们计划要透过举办厂商赞助的活动,来达成募款超过新台币100万。)
● tighten,动词/ˈtaɪt(ə)n/紧缩
英解:to make something become tighter, firmer, or less easy to move
例句:As he struggled, the ropes tightened even more. (他越挣扎,绳子就勒得越紧。)
用法:绑紧(使…更严格),tighten…up。Are there any plans to tighten up on media controls?(对媒体控管,是否有更严格的计划?)
● in other words,副词/ɪn//ˈʌðə(r)/ /wɜː(r)dz/换句话说
英解:used for introducing another way of saying or explaining something, especially a more simple way
例句:He was economical with the truth; in other words, he was lying. (他没说多少实话,换句话说,他在撒谎。)
用法:也可用put it simply、 that is 或 that is to say 来表达,中文翻译:“简单地说…/也就是说…”。
He was found innocent in the court, that is to say, the court could not convict him legally. (法庭上证明他是无辜的,也就是说,不能合法将他定罪。)
● Inflation (通货膨胀)
消费者物价指数 (Consumer Price Index,CPI)最常被拿来衡量通货膨胀率。
● The Federal Reserve System(联邦准备理事会)
简称“The Fed”或“联准会”、“美联储”,是美国的中央银行。于1913年12月23日依法成立,以避免类似1907年的全国性的财务危机事件重演。
联准会以独立和制衡为基本原则。理事会的7位理事(包括主席、副主席)悉由总统提名,并需经参议院同意。于货币政策的决议,如调高或调低再贴现率,采用合议兼表决制,一人一票,记名投票。现任联准会主席是鲍尔 (Jerome Powell)。
● GDP (国内生产毛额)
英文全名为:Gross Demestic Product,是指一国境内所有经济活动的总额,或说是一个国家内所有人民,包括居住在当地的外国人、成立在当地的外商,在一年内,所生产出来的、所有最终商品和劳务市价的总额,但不包括该国人民在境外所得,例如,某甲设籍台湾却在日本开餐厅,则某甲在日本的所得,将被纳入日本的GDP。
● Quantitative Tightening (量化紧缩)
是相对于量化宽松(Quantitative Easing)的货币政策,也就是货币的供应,不像宽松时期的较无限制;量化紧缩,倾向于减少货币供应。
● 台湾有句俗话说“先顾腹肚,再顾佛祖”,这句话指的是什么意思?
● 经济的发展与繁荣,可能带来相应的生活水平提升、众多科技产品与服务的增加,试列举它带来哪些好处?同时却也带来哪些坏处?
● 你认同,钱赚得越多,代表越快乐吗?什么是带给你快乐的最主要因素?试着排列前5大原因,哪些事情足以让你快乐?
相关单字:Economy(经济)、Buddha(佛陀)、Prosperity(繁荣)、Living Standards(生活水平)#