1. 忠犬八公等待主人九年后,于1935年辞世时留下的最后一张照片
The last photo taken of Hachikō, the dog who waited 9 years after the death of his master until he too passed away.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
2. 19世纪的日本女武士
A female Samurai, 1800s.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
3. 1929年一个男孩等待爸爸揭晓生日礼物
A young boy patiently waits for his birthday gift from poppa, 1929.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
4. 今日全球首富、亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝佐斯1999年在办公室
The richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos, in his executive office back in 1999.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
5. 1922年爱因斯坦在巴黎讲解相对论
Actual photo of Albert Einstein lecturing on the Theory of Relativity, 1922.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
6. 1960年代,在有视窗PPT软件之前,美国航空航空局(NASA)的工作人员这样做演算
NASA before PowerPoint, 1960s.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
7. 1932年弹班卓琴的男孩和他的好友
A young boy playing the banjo with his best friend, 1920.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
8. 1940年的男孩和羔羊
Newly-born lamb snuggles up to a boy, 1940.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
9. 1890年代,无臂人特里普(Charles B. Tripp)与无腿人博温(Eli Bowen)合骑双人自行车
Charles B. Tripp, the armless man and Eli Bowen, the legless man, riding a tandem. 1890s
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
10. 1944年一个孤儿得到一双新鞋
A young orphan receiving a new pair of shoes, 1944.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
11. 1955年素颜的玛丽莲·梦露
Marilyn Monroe without makeup, 1955.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
12. 1961年,东德士兵帮助男孩穿越柏林墙和家人团聚
East German soldier helping a boy cross the new Berlin Wall, to reunite with his family. 1961.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
13. 科技使人隔绝已是老生长谈
All this technology is making us antisocial.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
14. 1975年,共有3300多名越战遗孤被空运到美国
Operation Babylift, In 1975, over 3300 Vietnamese orphans were evacuated and transported by airplanes to the US.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
15. 1920年代的因纽特女孩和她的哈士奇宝宝
A young Inuit girl with her husky puppy, 1920s.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
16. F-18大黄蜂战斗机突破音障
An F-18 Super Hornet breaking the sound barrier.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
17. 希腊码头的猫咪等待渔船归来
Cats waiting for the fishermen to return
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
18. 1977年22岁的比尔·盖茨驾保时捷超速时的留影
Bill Gates, arrested in Albuquerque in 1977 for speeding in his Porsche
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
19. 1990年代的伊利亚·伍德(Elijah Wood)和思嘉丽·乔韩森(Scarlett Johansson)
Elijah Wood and Scarlett Johansson in the 90s
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)
20. 史上最酷自行车之一——1959年的“Bowden Spacelander”
The 1959 Bowden Spacelander, one of the coolest bicycles ever built.
— Life in Moments (@historyinmoment)