据路透社和ABC报导,当地时间周六下午3点30分左右,在西雅图锦绣大道北(Fairview Avenue North)和美世街(Mercer Street)交叉路口,一建筑工地上的起重机倒塌,从楼顶坠落并击中地面上的几辆汽车,导致4人死亡。
西雅图消防局局长哈罗德·斯科金斯(Harold Scoggins)在新闻发布会上说,遇难的4个人中,有2人是起重机司机,另外2人则分别来自地面上被起重机撞毁的2辆汽车。
Obstruction on Mercer St and Fairview Ave N blocking the EB lanes. Fallen crane on west side of Fairview Ave N and Mercer St intersection. Avoid the area and use alt routes.
— SDOT Traffic (@SDOTtraffic)
消防部门发言人兰斯·加兰(Lance Garland)说,遇难者包括3名男性和1名女性。
市长珍妮·都尔坎(Jenny Durkan)在一份声明中称,这是“西雅图悲惨的一天”。
助理警察局局长埃里克·格林(Eric Greening)说,发生此次倒塌事件的西雅图路段可能会关闭,直到周日晚上才重新开放。
据南湖联盟社区委员会(South Lake Union Community Council)交通主席麦克·麦奎德(Mike McQuaid)透露,目前,肇事起重机已被拆除放置在两个技术大楼楼顶,其中一个将近完工的楼属于谷歌公司(Google)。
Construction crane falls on vehicles in Seattle, killing two workers and two people in cars
— CNN (@CNN)
华盛顿州长杰伊·英斯利(Jay Inslee)在一条推文中提醒人们要“远离现场,以便让医务人员和调查人员开展工作”。
We are closely monitoring the situation in South Lake Union. My heart goes out to the family and friends of the four people who died in this terrible accident. Please stay clear of the scene and allow medical personnel and investigators to do their work.
— Governor Jay Inslee (@GovInslee)
Video of Mercer St just after crane collapsed. People running to the fallen crane and the cars below. Video from Viewer Sooj Kyle.
— Claire Anderson (@ClaireKIRO7)