“今天我很荣幸地宣布,在也门被扣为人质18个月的美国公民Danny Burch已被释放,并与他的妻子和孩子团聚。”川普在推文中说,“我感谢阿拉伯联合酋长国的支持,使得Danny能够回家。”
It is my honor today to announce that Danny Burch, a United States citizen who has been held hostage in Yemen for 18 months, has been recovered and reunited with his wife and children. I appreciate the support of the United Arab Emirates in bringing Danny home…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
…Danny’s recovery reflects the best of what the United States & its partners can accomplish.
We work every day to bring Americans home. We maintain constant and intensive diplomatic, intelligence, and law enforcement cooperation within the United States Government and with…— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
…our foreign partners. Recovering American hostages is a priority of my Admin, and with Danny’s release, we have now secured freedom for 20 American captives since my election victory. We will not rest as we continue our work to bring the remaining American hostages back home!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
据福克斯报导,Danny Burch的妻子Nadia Forsa 曾在2017年投书媒体,指她当时在也门石油公司任职工程师的先生某天在沙那古城(Sana’a)突然遭人持枪绑架,“他们在光天化日之下,在众人面前将他带走”。#