20日,海外社交媒体推特上,自称是《雨伞:香港的政治故事》的作者“Kong Tsung-gan/江松涧”发布消息说,在天水围,两名女生与一名男生被抓走,其中两名女生分别是香港中华基督教青年会中学和中华基督教会方润华中学的学生,男生则不详。
3 secondary students arrested this morning at Tin Wu light rail stop, Tin Shui Wai. The girls attend Chinese YMCA & CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary Schools, the boy unknown. Among several reported arrests of schoolkids on their way to school today.
— Kong Tsung-gan / 江松涧 (@KongTsungGan)
“Kong Tsung-gan/江松涧”披露,早上8时32分,将军澳地铁站,两名背书包上学的男学生被警察拦下。
Riot police questioning schoolboys at Tseung Kwan O MTR station at 08.32 this morning. Unclear whether they were arrested.
— Kong Tsung-gan / 江松涧 (@KongTsungGan)
“Kong Tsung-gan/江松涧”还披露,早上8时15分左右,在观塘泳池附近,两名上学的男生被抓。
2 schoolboys arrested by riot police near Kwun Tong swimming pool 8:15am. Unknown why. Today’s the 1st day back at school & there’ve been several reports of police stopping & searching schoolkids. When things like this occur, it’s a sign of how deeply the crackdown’s penetrating.
— Kong Tsung-gan / 江松涧 (@KongTsungGan)
A schoolgirl arrested at Tin Shui Wai MTR station at 08.10 this morning. There’ve been at least 5 documented arrests of kids on their way to school this morning, and 3 other cases in which students were stopped by riot police but it’s unclear whether they’ve been arrested.
— Kong Tsung-gan / 江松涧 (@KongTsungGan)
另外脸书“巴打丝打“00九吹专区”Facebook Club”,有网民发布消息,今早,大批防暴警察出现在荃湾保良局荃湾李城壁中学门口。该消息被大量转载。
责任编辑:李穹 #