Honorable President Trump,
First of all, thank you so much for reading this letter, written by an ordinary Chinese girl.
My name is Lianjiao Jiang(蒋炼娇), a 27-year-old Falun Gong(also called Falun Dafa)practitioner from mainland China.
As something very serious is happening to my family in China, who are also Falun Gong practitioners, I have to urgently seek help from you and the U.S. government.
My younger sister Liyu Jiang (蒋立宇, 26 years old) was illegally arrested by the Guangning Police Station and Procuratorate of Shijingshan District, and then detained in a detention center in Shijingshan District, Beijing, since May 13, 2017, just for putting up a sticker clarifying the truth about the “Tiananmen self-immolation hoax.”The incident was directed in 2001 by CCTV, the mouthpiece of the CCP, to slander Falun Dafa.
In late July, the Shijingshan Court made a decision at her trial and she was given a four-year prison sentence and a fine of 5,000 RMB Yuan. I am planning to appeal for her case.
Just after my sister was illegally sentenced, my 64-year-old father Qixiang Jiang (蒋启祥) suddenly had a stroke and the left half of his body lost mobility. For the time being, only my 54-year-old mother Liangyu Qiao (乔良玉) is available to look after him.
My elder sister now lives far away after getting married, and as she just had a baby, she can’t look after my parents, and my elder brother can’t quit his job to go back to our hometown.
In terms of myself, it is impossible for me to go back.
My younger sister is urgently needed to take care of my dad, however, the fact that she is imprisoned is too cruel for the whole family to bear…
I hope I can get your help to be resettled in the United States in the near future, so I can speak out to appeal for the release of my sister.
I learned earlier that you lent your helping hand to several family members of those righteous Chinese human rights lawyers who were imprisoned, and made it possible for those family members to enter the United States. Your kindness and generosity is really admirable.
Therefore, I also hope to get your help if possible, based on the fact that my family has suffered from severe persecution under the CCP for 4 generations.
My grand grandfather was driven insane as a result of torture during the Cultural Revolution for his belief in Taoism. He died shortly after that. My father, who had witnessed his grandfather being accused, was later illegally sentenced and sent to labor camps over and over again just for his faith in Falun Gong. (That’s also the case for my mother. )
Furthermore, my father was terribly traumatized mentally and physically during his imprisonment: he endured horrifying beatings and both of his legs were broken, and he also suffered severe malnutrition and almost died in prison.
Because of the CCP’s “one child” policy, my sister and I had to be brought up secretly by relatives to avoid fines. When my sister and I were respectively 8 and 9 years old, we four kids went to Tiananmen Square to appeal for Falun Gong together with our parents and witnessed the CCP’s police brutally beat them.
At that time, we were all caught into the police car parked on Tiananmen Square. Even I, a 9-year old girl, was stunned by the electric baton.
Our home has been frequently raided by the police since then. Us four kids were put under house arrest during the night for years, and could hardly get enough to eat when our parents were both illegally detained for their belief in Falun Gong. Without care and protection from my parents, as a young teen, I was raped by a teenage boy in the neighborhood. The physical and mental injuries inflicted on me and my parents are just beyond words.
At each school stage of my sister’s and mine, from primary school to university, my parents had been imprisoned in brainwashing camps or detention centers. Recently, because the news of my father’s stroke was published on Minghui.org, a main Falun Dafa website, the local police and my father’s employer (Baoxia Town Central Hospital, Yun County, Shiyan City of Hubei Province) once again harassed my parents.
The CCP’s inhuman persecution of Falun Gong has been ongoing for more than 19 years. How four generations of my family have been harmed just can’t be contained in this letter alone.
I can’t imagine how the health status of my father will decline 4 years later, when my sister, deprived of her youth, is finally set free in her 30s. Our family reunion is also beyond anticipation.
Hereby, I would like to ask for help from you and the U.S. government to urge the Court and the Detention Center of Shijingshan District, Beijing to acquit my sister Liyu Jiang, and also, help to bring the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong to an end.
Only when this happens, will tens of thousands of prisoners of conscience (mainly Falun Gong practitioners) finally regain their freedom, and not be killed for their organs anymore on a daily basis.
May joy and health be with you and your family. I do believe that by upholding justice and insisting upon traditional values, the United States will be stronger and greater than ever, just as you said in your remarkable inauguration speech.
Yours sincerely,
Lianjiao Jiang