日历,撕去旧的一页,出现新的一页;撕去旧的一本,出现新的一本。——一天过了 ,又是新的一天;一年过了,又是新的一年。
房舍,住久了,或旧,或破漏,或不够坚固舒适,翻新,换新。它的演化则由穴居而 巢居,而草屋、木屋,而钢筋水泥加上豪华装潢有冷气、空调的现代高楼大厦……。
是名新生婴儿,是一轮旭日,是一棵树苗,红冬冬的,光灿灿的,嫩绿绿的,好惹人 怜,好惹人爱,好惹人赞赏不置!
New Hsu ChiCheng
New, it’s renovation, renewal.
New, new a day, renew every of day, and new once a day.
Calendar, tears a leaf of old, appears a leaf of new; tears a copy of old , appears a copy of new.—a day is over, once more there is a new day; a year is over, once more there is a new year.
House, dwells for a long time, may old or broken, or no strong and comfortable enough, renovation, renewal. Its evolution is from live in caves to live in the nest, to live in house thatched with straw, wooden house, and to live in mansion made of steel bar and cement fitted with air condition…
Except dwelling, may it not the same of the livelihood about the others of food, dress, walk, education and entertainment?
Everyone would have their fifteen minutes of fame the new generation replaces the elder.
New, it’s novelty, having a bright, new look, brilliance.
New full of hope, full of vision for future, full of unknown, full of surprise, full of dream…
New, it has great space of development, space of growth, development and development again, growth and growth again…
It’s a new baby, a rising sun, a young plant, redden, brilliant, soft greenish, attracts pity, attracts love, how will be praised!
New, it’s the power of progress, how will be bestir, want to head on!
New, it’s renovation, renewal.
New, new a day, renew every of day, and new once a day.
New, the most important thing is start anew, bring forth original ideas of own concept. @