落单鸳鸯惊现纽约中央公园 引关注
【大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网2018年11月02日讯】(大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网记者洪雅文纽约报导)鸳鸯经常出现在中国古代文学作品和神话传说中,其中鸳指雄鸟,鸯指雌鸟。近日,曼哈顿中央公园惊现野生鸳鸯(Mandarin duck),吸引了大量的民众、赏鸟粉丝群争相前往观赏这只异国情调的鸟。纽约市公园局表示,尚不清楚它从何地迁徙到纽约。
据多家媒体消息,最早发现鸳鸯的是专注中央公园鸟类的团体Manhattan Bird Alert,10月10日在其推特上发布短片消息,引起热议。
The best thing about the MANDARIN DUCK in Central Park is how excited everyone else is about birds for once! via
— Manhattan Bird Alert (@BirdCentralPark)
Spent the afternoon taking some glamour shots of the MANDARIN DUCK (with hundreds of my closest friends) at The Pond via
— Manhattan Bird Alert (@BirdCentralPark)
The Central Park Pond’s newly-arrived male Mandarin Duck (we still do not know how it got here) unseated the Wood Duck as prettiest duck in the park. Gus Keri brings us close-up video
— Manhattan Bird Alert (@BirdCentralPark)
Today’s MANDARIN DUCK on the Pond by Central Park birder and photographer , who gets the right light every time
— Manhattan Bird Alert (@BirdCentralPark)
对此,美国自然历史博物馆鸟类部门经理斯威特(Paul Sweet)表示,这只鸳鸯很可能从私人家中或动物园里逃出。但警方表示,目前没有收到任何动物园的动物逃跑报告,且纽约市也禁止家中饲养鸳鸯。
The MANDARIN DUCK enjoys a sheltered patch of calm water near shore at the Central Park Pond, by 60th and Fifth Avenue via
— Manhattan Bird Alert (@BirdCentralPark)