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Cast away  Hsu ChiCheng

In our whole life, there are many things must to be treasured but there are many things can be cast away. Cast away resolutely ought to cast away, don’t be unwilling to. Unwilling to cast away will cause many burdensome to no avail.
The scholar often felt trouble by the data of newspapers, magazines, wastepaper, books and manuscripts etc. Of course the data must deposit; but many people deposit no important or may important deem then, surely occupied space, so that book cases, desks, drawers even under the beds, floors etc. in everywhere, mess all around, difficult to clean, are at a loss to know what to do.
Frequently there are many useless things in many families. May be the old toys, may be the furniture, possibly they are very valuable as they deemed themselves, great beauty, bought them with very high price; but played for a short time, used for a short time, disliked it, perhaps places it anywhere, perhaps deposited it in storehouse, for a long time forgot it, let them full of dust, rotten.
May someone have bed habit, for instance, undignified, undisciplined, absentminded, idle, drug taking, crime, etc., these bed habits will often do harmful to his whole life, even do harmful to country, society and human being. The people who holds these bed habits, ought to make up their mind, cast away resolutely, to be a useful person.
Things in the world, some ought to treasure, some ought to cast away. We must treasure ought to treasure, those ought to cast away must make up mind cast away resolutely. Self examination, self-reflection, cast away those ought to cast away, ——cast away those old, no good, don’t be unwilling to, and will be relaxed, free of burdensome.@


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