Complaint Hsu ChiCheng
Human being is an animal who can complain, and far more than complain? He is great in complaining!
Let me tell you if you won’t to believe.
The weather is cold, human being complains the heaven is no good, says why the sky let the weather so cold? Wishing the cold will pass quickly; but when summer is come, the weather is hot, he also complains the heaven is no good, says why the sky let the weather so hot? It’s burning! Wishing the hot will pass quickly.
It’s the same, when it’s drought, human being will complain the heaven is not good, says why the heaven don’t rain, as if drought brings human being into death. When rain season is come, as rain is drop more days, he also complains the heaven is no good, says why it’s rain ceaselessly, surrounds person in the house, the bone will become mouldy, if it causes flood, the heaven will to be blamed to death.
Human being complains hither and thither, as if every thing must ready for me, dominated by me, or it will be discontented, every thing is fail to come up to me, it deserves the punishment, it’s no choice but to complain.
In fact, human being to complain is not bad, not bad but also has benefit.
Why human being complained is human being has the nature of dissatisfy and forward to good. Want to have something when there is nothing, will search to good when they have something, search better when it’s good, must revise when there is some shortcomings, this is so called “to always endeavor to do still better; to strive for perfection”. The improving of the culture of human being is the fruit as thus.
Then, to complain! To dissatisfy! To search for good! We will improve in the complaint, dissatisfy and search for good more improvement! @