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秋到处游走着,像一个洒脱的侠客,像一个流浪者,像一个醉汉,衣履宽松,丝带飘 逸,行止不羁,边走边喃喃自语……。
叶子被踩了。脚印纷纷留在叶子上。叶子曾经是青葱、苍翠、肥硕的,现在被踩得趋 向黄澄、细瘦、枯凋了。当然,秋的脚印也踩出缤纷的颜彩。枫叶便是最好的例子 。它们的反应那么灵敏,一夜之间,便狂燃起红火。
花呢?花自飘零。那些美颜、纷繁、丰腴、自得、娇笑被踩得纷纷成为新近的记忆, 凄然的怅惘。啊,失色吧!消瘦吧!还有什么好说的呢?果实那一阵丰满、饱熟、硕 大、香甜、令人垂涎的日子,则渐渐被踩碎踩烂了。
本来有雨的喂饲,长得肥胖的溪流,这下被踩得渐次枯瘦,准备到冬日里去休息,挂 着一脸苍白、畏缩、委顿、颤抖。
鸣唱的虫鸟也被踩得由兴奋的巅峰,开始懒懒地下坡了;太阳也被踩得不那么暴烈, 开始和颜悦色了……。
秋就是这样游走着,边走边喃喃自语,像一个洒脱的侠客,像一个流浪者,像一个醉 汉,脚步细碎而凌乱,留下细碎凌乱的脚印……。

The footprints of the Autumn Hsu ChiCheng

Autumn is here.
Autumn strolls everywhere, like a free and easy chivalrous expert swordsman, like a wanderer, like a drunkard, loose in his dress and shoe, smug in his silk and belt, free from restraint in his action, murmur himself while walking…
The steps of autumn are fine and in a mess. Only autumn comes, there are her fine and mess footprints everywhere.
The leaves were treaded. There were all sorts of footprints on leaves. The leaves once dark green, verdant, fat and bulky, and now are treaded into golden, weak and thin, withered. Of course, footprints of autumn are also treaded colours in riotous. Maple leaves are the best sample. Their reactions are so sensitive, wild burn into red fire in a night.
What about the flower? Flower is faded and fallen itself. The beautiful face, numerous and complicated, splendid, self-satisfied, tender laugh were treaded into all sorts of new memory, desolate disappointed and perplexed. Alas, let it be eclipsed! Become thin! What has any thing to say? In fact, the days of fruit in full, plum, large, sweet, mouthwatering is treaded into break and worn-out.
Originally, there is nursed by rain, the full river, now it’s treaded into wither and thin, intent to rest in the winter, hangs a face of pale, shrink, decline, shiver.
The singing bird and insect is treaded downhill into lazy slowly also; the sun is treaded into not so violent also, starts to appear with amiable looks…
Then autumn strolls, murmur himself while walking, like a free and easy chivalrous expert swordsman, like a wanderer, like a drunkard, the step is small and fragmentary, remains the small and fragmentary footprints…@


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