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访游去!书上的知识无法满足人的心灵需要。到名胜古迹访游,可以扩大知识的领域 ,以实际行动获得第一手资料。
访游去!文化是人类生活经验的总和,是自古至今绵延不断,点点滴滴汇聚而成的。 它是个纵剖面。其详细的横切面则存在古迹里。访游古迹,可以沉浸深入古时当代的 横切面,去观赏当时的风俗习惯,捡拾当时的遗迹,点数先人的脚印,得到许多先人 的智慧结晶,获知先人奋斗的艰辛,心生感激,思所以承先启后。
访游去!大自然是一本读之不尽、访之有余的大书,由造物的妙笔写成的,比任何一 本用文字写成的书都博大精深;名胜则为其抽样。不管是名山,是大川,不论是山水 ,是花草树木,都有造物的妙谛在,潜藏的智慧在。去访游,去细读,可以得到大自 然的妙趣,满足心灵对知识的渴念,平抚心中的皱纹,扫除心中的阴霾。
访游去!尤其是春天到了,天气温暖,和风送爽,风光明媚,百花盛开,鸟语花香, 正是最好的访游时候。去吧!访游去!


Let’s go to visit Hsu ChiCheng

Let’s go to visit! Let’s go to visit scenic spot and historic spot!
Let’s go to visit! Hide in home all day long whole year long will be in the sulks, to relax yourself is necessary.
Let’s go to visit! The knowledge on book can’t satisfy mind’s need of a person. To go to visit scenic spot and historic spot can enlarge the field of knowledge, obtain first means with real action.
Let’s go to visit! Culture is the sum of human’s life experience, extends ceaselessly from ancient to now, collected by drop and dot. It’s a vertical section. The details of cross section are stored in historic spot. To visit historic spot can be deep immersed in the time of cross section of ancient, to appreciate custom and habit at that time, collect the remains at that time, count the footprints of ancestor, obtain wisdom crystallize of many ancestor, know the hardship of ancestor’s strive, and be graceful for them in mind, think to follow up the past and usher in the future.
Let’s go to visit! Nature is a big book we can’t read all over and visiting have a surplus, written by Creator’s wonderful pen, more abundant than any book writing with characters; scenic spot is a sampling of them. No matter of famous mountain or big river, in spite of mountain and water, in spite of flower, grass or tree, they exist all of the miraculous truths, hidden wisdom. To visit, to read carefully, we can obtain the wisdom of the nature, satisfy the thirst for knowledge of mind, smooth the wrinkles of the mind, cleanup the daze of mind.
Let’s go to visit! Let’s go to visit scenic spot and historic spot.
Let’s go to visit! Particularly spring is come, warmth is the weather, gentle breeze blows, scene is bright and charming, hundred flowers are bloomed, sing the bird and fragrant the flower, it’s just the best time for visiting. Go! Let’s go to visit!@


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