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曙光终于从东方而来,展现其美姿,千万道光芒齐放,照遍大地,带来无限光明。显 然,夜已经逸去,白天已经降临。
哇!一个红冬冬的婴儿终于出生了。他是经过母亲十月怀胎孕育而成的。他以一声声 轻脆的婴啼,叩敲万物的心扉,为大地激发新生力量,将在众目瞩视下,不停渐次成 长。
哇!一个沦落的人终于迷途知返,浪子回头了。他曾经走在茫茫天涯路上,徬徨,失 意,不知所止,甚至和不三不四的人鬼混,为非作歹,终于犯罪,一旦翻然悔悟,迷 途知返,浪子回头,将重新做人,重获新生。
哇!他终于成功了。为了完成那件事,他曾经绞尽脑汁,全心投入,流血流汗;但是 经过多少打击,遭遇多少挫折、困顿,他仍坚定意志,不为所屈,愈挫愈奋,终于有 了成功的这一天。
哇,他终于病愈出院了。那一场大病,折磨得他好苦。但是,他信心十足,凭着医师 的药物和他坚定的信心,可以治好他的病,使他很快便复原。现在,他病愈出院,将 踏上新的路。
曙光终于从东方而来,展现其美姿,千万道光芒齐放,照遍大地,带来无限光明。显 然,夜已经逸去,白天已经降临。我有无限欣喜。

Dawn is Appeared  Hsu ChiCheng

Eventually, dawn comes from east, unfolds his beautiful posture, shines his radio interrelated innumerable ways, illuminates earth, brings the bright limitless. Obviously, the night is lost, and the day is befallen.
Wow, an all red baby is born eventually. He is formed by pregnant ten months within his mother’s belly. He knocks the heart of everything in the world with one and one of light baby cry, stirs new power of the earth, will be growing gradually ceaseless under the eyes watching.
Wow, realize his errors and mend his ways at last, the prodigal has returned. He once wandered at a loss on the remotest corner of the earth, hesitated about which way to go, is frustrated, knowing no abode, even led an aimless existence with indecent person, did evils, committed crimes finally, as soon as he saw the errors of his ways and repented, realized his errors and mended his ways, the prodigal has return, he will renew behave himself, and will newborn.
Wow, he is success. In order to finish that thing, he thought over and over, put in with all his heart, shed blood and sweat; experienced how many strikes, met with how many frustration and in straitened circumstances, he still firmed his determination, don’t to be subjected, the more brave the more frustration, eventually there comes a day of success.
Wow, he recovers from sickness. It was a heavy sickness. It was a serious sickness, was afflicted him into great torment. However, he full of out-and-out confidence, relies on the medicine of the doctor and his firm confidence, healed his sickness, let him recover quickly. Now, his sickness is healed and left the hospital, will step on a new road.
Eventually, dawn comes from east, unfolds his beautiful posture, shines his radio interrelated innumerable ways, illuminates earth, brings the bright limitless. Obviously, the night is lost, and the day is befallen. I’m great pleasure limitless.@


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