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昨夜一觉到天亮,睡好困足,疲劳尽褪;今晨早起,但觉一身清爽,体力充沛,精神 饱满,欣喜非常。

探首窗外,穹苍万里无云,无尽碧蓝,弓向高远。一片青翠在微熹中铺展而出,是一 块无限大的绿色绒毯,迎接清晨的喜悦。


假日,不必赶上班,可以不受时间拘束,要举步向哪里便举步向哪里,要神游多久就 神游多久。

清风徐来,围绕着我直转,时而在前,时而在后,时而在左右,送来轻轻抚触,送来 无限清爽,送来乡土的芬芳……。

或远或近,或大或小,或高或低,鸟鸣虫唱阵阵传来,清脆的,轻盈的,巧啭的。是 独唱?是合唱?是齐唱?是轮唱?……想是歌颂这个快乐早晨吧!

晶莹的露珠在草木的叶尖闪着亮光。好不忍地踩上去,一阵阵清凉从赤裸的脚底直传 内心深处。哇!好清凉呀!夏日的燠热不再。真的是个快乐早晨!




The merry morning     Hsu ChiCheng

I slept well last night, had a sweet and sound sleep, all tiresomeness are slipped out; got up this morning, I feel just fresh, full of physical strength, as well as the spirit, very joyful.
Look out of the window, there aren’t any cloud in the wide azure, blue limitless, bows toward high and far. A piece of green spreads on the dim light of the dawn, , is a piece carpet of boundless, welcome the joy of the cool dawn.
I then go toward the outdoors…
It’s a holiday, I needn’t hurry to go to work, can’t restrain by time, may go wherever I want, can wander how long what I want…
Cool breeze blows slightly, makes turn around me ceaselessly, sometimes before me, sometimes behind me, sometimes on my sides, sends me the gentle touch, sends me the cool limitless, sends the sweet-smelling of the native land…
Either far or near, either big or small, either high or low, the song of bird and insect spreads spell by spell, light and handy, gentle, tangling. Is it the solo? Choir? Concerted singing? Or a round?… Most probably it’s eulogized of the merry morning!
The crystal dew shines the light on the blade of the grass and tree. I can’t bear to tread on them, a spell and a spell of coolness transmit into my deep heart from my bare feet. Wow, how cool it is! The scorched hot of summer is no more. It’s really a merry morning!
The rising sun sprinkles radiance with boundless indignation, symbolizes young and vitality and flourishing, symbolizes there is a piece of light in the future, hope limitless…
When I back home, I bring cool breeze, the song of bird and insect, dew, coolness, light, hope…
Oh, a merry morning!@


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