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造物是一名最精良的画家,在大自然里画着,一笔一画,一勾一勒,彩画得均匀、和 谐、多彩,成为其大无比的画幅,是大地画、大壁画和天际画的大综合。
造物是一名最有才华的音乐家,能作曲,能演奏,也能歌唱,为大自然作曲、演奏、 歌唱。那是一支大自然交响曲,天籁,衔接永恒,随时间以俱存。
造物是一名搜罗最广最精的收藏家,以其锐利的眼光,为大自然搜寻、鉴别各种真珠 、宝玉、钻石、古玩等等宝物,予以妥善收藏。
造物是一名最睿智的圣哲,把宇宙间的各种奥秘、神奇、万有的根源和至理名言,予 以穷理贯通,成为哲理,隐藏于大自然各处。
造物是一名最伟大的作家,充满爱心,以其诗笔,为大自然写下绮丽的文字,为美的 诗章,字字珠玑,句句隽永,篇篇可诵。

Going to the Nature  Hsu ChiCheng

Let’s go to the nature!
Go to the nature, wow, how fine it is!
In the nature, there are many scenery, several music, many treasures, many secrets, several knowledge we can’t strive for…
Creator is a superior painter, painting in the nature, a pen and a draw, an outline and a cynosure, painting into even, harmonious, colourful, to be a painting the biggest of the world, is the great sum up of the paint of the earth, grant wall paint and sky paint.
Creator is a musician of the best man of unusual talent, can write music, can play, can sing too, write music, play and sing for nature. It’s a symphony of great nature, sounds of nature, links to the eternal, coexists with time.
Creator is a collector who collected at the most, collected and distinguished the treasures as pearl, jade, diamond, curio etc. with his keen eye, and well stored them.
Creator is an intelligent saint, takes hold of the secret, magical, source of the universe and axiom, to end the philosophic theory thoroughly, to be philosophic theory, hide in everywhere of the nature.
Creator is a great writer, full of compassion, writes down the elegant words into beautiful poems with his poetry pen, each word a gem, each sentence meaningful, each piece can be recited.
Go to the nature, wow, how fine it is!
Let’s go to the nature, to appreciate the beautiful scenery, to listen the music, to ponder the treasure, to enjoy the literary…@


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