看呀!整个海边,好多人在戏水!在水里,有游泳的,有泡水的,有追逐的,有相互 泼水的;在沙滩上,有捡贝壳的,有抓螃蟹的,有躺在遮阳伞下的;有的则一会儿沙 滩一会儿水里奔逐戏耍……。
当黄昏,他们各自归去;他们仍然恋恋不舍。毕竟他们有那么一段快乐的时光,在海 边戏水。他们又开始憧憬着:
Free play on seaside Hsu ChiCheng
“Let’s free play on the seaside!”
May it be too hot! We often hear thus invitation by someone as well as promise from someone:
“Well! Let’s go!”
Lo, they are many people free play on the seaside! In the water, some swimming, some soak , some chase, some sprinkle water with each other; on the sandy beach, some collect shell, some catch crab, some lay down beneath the parasol; some chase and play between sandy beach and the water…
The sprays burst forth into many flowers. The sound of laugh burst forth into many flowers. The voice of stalking burst forth into many flowers…
“Wow, how cool it is!”
It’s very really cool, those sea water, those smiling face, those hail!
“I catch one.”
What is he catch? crab? small fish? joyful?
“ I’m master.”
What is he master? Swim? Water-sprinkle? Catch crab?
When dusk falls, each back home; they are reluctant still. They have a good time free play on seaside after all. They start to long for again:
“Come once more! Come to seaside to free play on the seaside!”@