每到夏日,清晨一起床,看见天气晴朗,我的心中便充满喜悦,便情不自禁地在心中 欢呼着:
所有的植物都繁发滋长,欣欣向荣。花儿着花纷繁,展现着诸多形貌色彩,吐露出芬 香。草木扶疏碧绿,给人以一股新生力量,极大冲劲……。
鸟儿在鸣唱,在奏乐。它们正挥发其所有的能力,在田野,在林间,在空际。多么好 听呀!可以悦我耳,可以清我心!
太阳在东方冉冉昇起,闪射出无限光芒,把各处照耀得光明灿亮,使我看了,对这个 世界抱持着无限希望,坚信前途必然光明,道路必然宽广、平坦而长远,走前去必然 美好顺遂,不会有任何荆棘、风波或阻难。
Sunny Dawn of the Summer Hsu ChiCheng
When it’s summer, as get up at dawn, knowing it’s sunny , my mind will fill with joyousness ,and can’t help from acclaim:
“Ah, how fine the dawn!”
“Ah, the fine day is coming!”
Yes, in the sunny dawn of the summer, I can affirm, the day must be fine.
The refreshing breeze is blowing gently, caresses all the things into comfortable and delightful, drunken, blowing the person into relaxed with a light heart.
All plants are flourishing and grow. The flowers open numerous and complicated, appear many images and shapes, pour out fragrance. The grasses and trees are green and luxuriant and well-spaced, gift us puff of new power, great impulse…
The birds are singing, playing. They play the role of their ability, on the field, in the forest, on the sky. How fine to hear! It can please my ears, wash my mind.
The sun raising slowly from the east, shines radiate unlimited, brightens all places, let me embrace hope unlimited, and affirm there must be bright in the future, the road must be wide, smooth and long, must be fine and easy and smooth, there won’t any thorns, disturbance or obstruct…
The faith to go ahead directly contained and formed in my mind. Oh, step forward! Search forward! To grasp forward!
How can we unhappy? On this sunny dawn of the summer, how can we not embrace the hope toward this world?
Oh, in this sunny dawn of the summer, I know the fine day is coming.@