


夏夜的风是最可爱最受欢迎的。白日里,炎炎夏日,凌虐大地,把万物给晒得热得疲 惫焦渴不堪,当千眼的夜,在多彩的黄昏前导下,姗姗降临大地,便有了这么一阵阵 习习晚风,柔和清凉,使万物如大旱之逢甘霖,满足了它们所有的千企万盼。

夏夜的风到处游走着,走过田野,踩过产业道路和田间小径,穿过诸多作物和果树, 掀起了作物和果树的一片骚动,款款而语。只为了夏夜的风来临了,稻子便更成熟了 ,瓜果便更成熟了,饱满圆熟的颗粒,正累累垂挂着;西瓜、南瓜、小玉、哈密瓜等 则躺在地上;圆鼓鼓的,越躺越大,几欲迸裂,等待收割采撷。

众鸣虫组成的大乐队是最起劲了,猛弹猛吹猛奏,呜呜哇哇,咿咿呀呀,唧唧啾啾, 节奏优美,和谐雅致。如果要说最卖力的,该数吹小喇叭的蟋蟀和吹黑管的蝼蛄了。 有什么喜事吗?只为了夏夜的风来临了!它们正以这曲交响乐来迎迓。而且还不仅如 此呢!听,鸣蛙一直鼓掌不停。好大好热烈的掌声!看,好心的萤火虫一直提着灯在 照引。怕夏夜的风迷路呀!

对于人类,夏夜的风是最公正无私的。它们游走着,把清凉送给人们。只是乡野比较 欢迎它们,它们来去自如;都市里则有许多高楼大厦来阻隔它们,它们没法进去,只 好在外面游走,徒叹奈何?

The Wind of Summer Night     Hsu ChiCheng

The wind of summer night is the most lovable and be welcomed. During day time, the raging sun do great damage to the earth, shines all things in the universe that they are exhausted by the hot, when the night of thousand eyes falls slowly on the earth led by the dusk of riot colour, there is a spell and a spell of dusk wind blow gently, soft and cool, let them obtain as a great rain after a long drought, content all of their wishes.

The wind of summer strolls everywhere, strolls over the field, treads over the industrial road and countryside path, passes through many crops and fruit trees, raises a piece of riot, speeches sincerely. Just for the arriving of the summer wind to befall, rice is more mature, melon and fruit are more mature, grain plum and mature hanging clusters and clusters. Watermelon , pumpkin, chao-yu melon, hami melon etc. lay on the ground, round and round, the larger the longer they lay, almost to be split, waiting to be leaked and plucked.

Numerous singing insects composed an orchestra is the most with zest and vigour, extremely to play, toot, hoot, creak, wow, chirp, twitter, graceful in the rhythm, harmony and elegant. It ought to be the cricket plays with the trumpet and the mole cricket play with the saxophone work hard the most. Is there any happy event? Just for the wind of summer night is befallen! They just welcome it with this symphony. And it is not only thus! May you hear, the frog’s call is clapping ceaselessly. How large and how bustle is the clap! Lo, the kind mind firefly takes a lamp to illuminate all the time. For afraid of the summer lost the road!

As to human, the wind of summer is the most equitable. They stroll everywhere, share the cool to everyone. Just the countryside welcome them more, they free to dealings; there are many big buildings and mansions to bar them to enter in the city, they just stroll outside, what then I can do?@
