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Orchid Tree      Hsu ChiCheng

Orchid tree, is it also called redbud, and also called Hong Kung orchid tree, or India cherry blossom? No matter what name it is, it’s enough only it can carry spring. The name is a score, just represents abstractly a person or a thing. What will be concerned for?
Be scattered, be in group, in the campus, by the roadside, in the garden, they halt, open a big umbrella, there dot slowly one by one the flower from inner to edge the shade purple to the light purple. No matter it’s grand open or slight open, an orchid tree is a spring.
Yes, an orchid tree is a spring. Since it is, then, a tree of flower is a tree of spring. Oh, the spring is on the branch. Spring is carried by the orchid tree, to give brilliance to the world.
Is it just “the red apricot bustle the breath of spring”? Is it just “the peach and plum strive to be the first to do the spring”? Is spring just represented by cherry and azalea? Is spring just represented by oriole fly and grass luxuriant? Orchid tree wouldn’t let them to be beauty monopolize, it’s more be the angel of spring, the personification of spring.
They blossom first and then putting forth leaves.
They blossom in early spring. The purple petals swinging in the chill wind, let us to deem they are the butterflies one by one, carry the spring, stop on the branches, haven’t fly as if to fly, in turn to stretch and close the wings, scatter the breath of spring to the world, stir thick the breath of spring.
Then it puts forth the leaves. How strange it is! Every leave is one and one of the hoof seal of the goat unexpectedly. Is it which god goat treaded?… It must be the god goat of spring!
In spite of what the name it is, just it carries spring every year is enough.@


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