澳大利亚新州HSC 2018年启用新教学大纲






* 所有水平级别中对文章的深化学习;
* 对高质量文学作品的更多着重;
*  “阅读写作”将成为11年级standard 及 advanced英语课程的首个必修内容。这将使学生具备深度学习所需的技能并有助于优化学生的写作能力;
* 在11年级的英语标准课程Contemporary Possibilities中着重于数位素养技能;
* 12年级的公共课——包括旅行、探索和归属——将被删除;
* 新课程“The Craft of Writing(写作工艺)”在standard 及 advanced课程中将设定为必修课。

数学Standard 2

* 在standard数学中,将着重于网上数据及其应用软件,即互联网课程。


* 在目前教学大纲上的延伸,从而纳入更复杂的概念;
* 新课题:金融数学;
* 统计分析现将纳入advanced及extension 1的教学中。

数学Extension 1

* 增加了向量的新课题,这将为工程学和其他STEM相关概念提供更多链接铺垫作用;
* 排列组合的新课题。

数学Extension 2

* 新课题:向量及论证的更多深入学习;
* 增强演算内容将取代圆周运动。


* 更着重于批判性思考和理解概念,而不是仅停留于记忆。比如,不再撰写关于著名物理学家的论文,而是要求学生们学习他们的定量理论;
* 更严密地考查物理原则中的数学基础;
* 将有更多实际调查研究项目;
* 每年有15个小时用于“深度研究”,让学生深入探索所学概念的更多细节;
* 选修课将从教学大纲中删除。


* 开设全新的教学课题The Shaping of the Modern World(现代世界概述),包括启蒙运动,法国革命,帝国主义时代及工业革命时代;
* 重点是西方传统的关键点,包括民主自由观念的形成,不可剥夺的权利及资本主义的扩张;
* 第一次世界大战的内容从12年级调整到11年级;
* 第二次世界大战课题不变;
*  要求学生学习一项非欧洲/西方国家的历史;
* 保留对土着历史的学习。




* English Standard


* Mathematics Standard 2



Social Sciences



New HSC syllabus – 2018 onwards

The NSW Board of Studies has revised the syllabus for 17 different courses, including Maths, Science, English and History. There will be increased focus on Indigenous culture, the environment, Asia and Feminism. The new content – which includes a mandatory writing unit focusing on grammar, spelling and punctuation in all English courses – will be first taught to Year 11 students in 2018. There will also be new assessment requirements for each of the new stage 6 courses

The reforms also include the introduction of a minimum Literacy and Numeracy Standard. From 2020, year 12 students must reach a minimum standard of functional literacy and numeracy for the award of the HSC credential.

Schools and teachers will have the rest of 2017 to familiarise themselves with the new content and assessment policies. Implementation of the new syllabus will start in 2018 for Year 11 students.


Here are the proposed changes


* Deeper study of texts across all levels
* Greater focus on quality literature
* “Reading to write” will be the mandatory first module in the Year 11 stand and advanced English courses. It will cover the skills required for senior study and help refine students writing skills
* Focus on digital literacy skills in year 11 English standard module Contemporary Possibilities
* The year 12 common module areas of study — including Journeys, Discovery, Belonging — will be scrapped
* New module “The Craft of Writing” now mandatory in standard and advanced courses

Mathematics Standard 2

* In standard maths, there will be a focus on online data and its application in a new topic area known as Networks.

Mathematics Advanced

* Extension of current syllabus to incorporate more complex concepts
* New topic: Financial Mathematics
* Statistical analysis now introduced at advanced level as well as extension 1

Mathematics Extension 1

* New topic of vectors has been added, providing stronger links to engineering and other STEM-related concepts
* New topic of combinatorics

Mathematics Extension 2

* New topics: more advanced studies in vectors and proof
* The topic circular motion has been removed and replaced by enhanced calculus content

Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

* Greater focus on critical thinking and understanding concepts rather than memorisation. E.g. instead of writing essays about famous physicists, students will be studying their quantitative theories
* Mathematical basis of physics principles will be examined more closely
* There will also be more practical investigations
* 15 hours each year dedicated to “depth studies” to allow students to investigate concepts in more detail
* Option topics will be scrapped from the syllabus.


* Completely new syllabus topic The Shaping of the Modern World, which includes The Enlightenment, The French Revolution, The Age of Imperialism and The Industrial Age
* Focus on key ideas and Western traditions including the ideas that shaped democracy and liberty, inalienable rights, and the expansion of capitalism
* World War I topic is shifted from year 12 to year 11
* World War II topics retained
* Requirement that students study a non-European/Western study
* Retained focus on Aboriginal history

Dux College will be ready for the new syllabus

is currently planning for the new syllabus and is working to produce new content that aligns with the curriculum. We will be ready to implement the new syllabus for our Year 11 students in 2018 and for our Year 12 students in 2019. List of subjects offered by Dux College in the new syllabus include:


English Standard


Mathematics Standard 2


Social Sciences



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