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The Message of the Spring     Hsu ChiCheng

One day after another day, the message of the spring passes on, from far to near, from weak to dense, from thin to thick…
The earliest transmitter is the warm day passes on by chance. In the chill winter, as long as it passes on, it will send the smile of the sunshine repeatedly, and turns into a pile and a pile of fire sign, gives vent to warmth, drives away the chill.
The one who bears the work of pass on, are more and more in number, more and more vie with one another slowly.
The buds, some are under the soil, some are on the branches and twigs, I don’t know how long it fumbled, passed through the dark, passed through the solitude, passed through the chill, it appeared suddenly at the end, passed on a piece of the message of the spring with pleasant surprise.
And this piece message of spring, bases on the white and tender, bases on the sparsity, grows thick and dense slowly, turns illusorily into green, from light green into weak green slowly, as if they come to branches and leaves, to grasses to trees, to tussocks to pieces and groups, incessantly, hanging by a thread…
The water in the river goes up the message of the spring slowly…
On the sky, in the air, there passes on the message of the spring also. Those are the finer of the weather, the warmer of the spring wind, the louder of the song of the birds and insects, the brighter of the sunshine.
And the message of the spring blossoms into flowers, colourful and postures, diversities and also fragrance assails the nostrils.
The message passes on successively, one day after another day, from far to near, from weak to dense, from thin to thick slowly…@


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