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有时候,一大早心情就不好,也不知为什么,反正就是闷闷不乐,郁郁寡欢。看他情况有异,趋前好心慰问,招来一顿白眼还算是好的,有时惹来一顿臭骂。待事过境迁 ,问他何故那样?他竟张大口,没话好说。原来他自己也闹不清!
也会突然觉得自己好像长大了,做什么事都要老陈熟练,蛮像个大人,却又突然天真活泼起来,言行举止有如小孩,有时候让人说成大人,有时候又被人说成小孩。到底 是大人或小孩,不仅别人,连他自己也搞得晕头转向。


Spring Emotion          Hsu ChiCheng

At least a boyhood if it isn’t a girlhood.
Sometimes he isn’t not good in the early morning, doesn’t know why, in any case it’s stifling, smouldering. As he looks like unusual, tends to convey greetings, provoke a cold stare is the best, sometimes has a scold mercilessly still. After it’s over, ask why he does, he is agape and tongue-tied, no word to respond. He can’t make clear himself originally.
Sometimes when he everything is all right, talking and laughing with others, on friendly terms; he cries loudly suddenly just for one ward, tears cover his face; for a few minute, hey, nice again, turns back to talking and laughing again.
And also feels strange in the body, as if it feels pain in his muscle and skeleton, but fine again soon.
Also feels it looks like grown up suddenly, seasoned experienced and capable in managing business, looks quite like an adult, but back to innocent and vivacious suddenly again, looks like a child in words and deeds as well as manner, sometimes to be defined an adult, and sometimes to be defined a child. In the final, is he an adult or a child? not only the others but also himself is dizzy.
He often has the illusion, has the wish to the love of opposite sex, and too sensitive, blushes very often.
About all, now cold now warm, now fine now bad, now pleasure now sad…
It’s said it’s the spring emotion, often it’s awkward, often it’s chaos.
It’s said it’s the result of the physiology influence the psychology.
It will be ripen slowly. It will be tend to steady slowly. It will be over.@*


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