是鸟?还是花?假如是鸟,那是怎样的一种鸟?想必是像凤凰、麒麟、龙之类生活在 传统里的动物吧!假如是花,那又是怎样的一种花?……
向两侧伸展出橘黄色羽毛的双翅,亭亭而立,仿佛振翅欲飞……哦,欲飞向哪里?看 它向上翘着一个淡紫色的尖嘴长喙,仰望上方,岂非把目标定在天堂,欲飞向天堂?
是一个短跑健将,已经就好了起跑位置,在发令员发出“预备”的口令后,静静地等 待着那一声枪声,欲急冲而出?
静静地等待着,它已经蕴酿、磨炼了多久的时间了?它的体内已蕴酿了多少飞奔急驰 的内力了?它将如何地突破自我、超越自我、提升自我?……
每次看见它,我便有一份惊喜,一阵心悸,一种停止呼吸的感觉,总是不敢眨一下眼 ,怕一眨眼,它便会从眼前飞逝,留给我一片惆怅……。
The –bird of-paradise Hsu ChiCheng
Is it a bird? Is it a flower? What kind of bird is it if it’s a bird? Most probably it’s a kind of animal like the phoenix, unicorn, dragon in the tradition! And again, what kind of flower is it if it’s a flower?
Spreads its orange features to two sides, stands upright, as if it will fly with wields its wings…Er, where will it fly? It lifts upward its purple long sharp bill, look upward, isn’t it looks its target at the paradise, want to fly to paradise?
Is it a sharp arrow, on the bow Li Guang fully pull the string, waits silently to be shot, will leave the string to be outward?
Is it a fine sprinter, has taken his place, after the “prepare” is ordered, waits silently the sound of gun, to dash out?
Wait silently. What posture is it?
It’s a posture of yearning.
It’s a posture of preparation.
It’s a posture to be set out.
Wait silently, how long has he brewed and tempered? How many internal force has his body brewed? How will he break through himself, overstep himself, promote himself?…
Every time as I see it, I have a surprise, a palpitation, a feeling of stop breathe, often dare not to blink my eyes, afraid of as soon as one blink, it will fly away from my eyes, leave me a melancholy…@