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开放在夜里,那花有如一盏盏明灯,燃亮在漆漆黑夜里,花香便是那灿亮的光芒,四 处喷洒,无处不在,无孔不入,无边无际。
开放在夜里,那花有如一曲曲女高音的歌唱,花香便是那回肠荡气的歌音,拔高再拔 高,回荡再回荡,响遍各处,愉悦人们的听闻。
开放在夜里,那花有如一根根插在中流的砥柱,无视于那漫漫逆流横流急流的冲激鼓 荡,誓欲以身殉道,屹然而立,不为所摇,不为所动。
开放在夜里,那花有如风雨如晦中的鸡鸣,不管风雨多大,持续多久,依然不停不歇 ,始终如一,亘古不变,无所畏惧,予人以警惕,令人警醒。
不去凑热闹,不去争名利,当众花争妍斗艳的白日,它沉默不语,只有当众花开放过 后,落入沉默,不言不语,它才嫣然而笑,尽情绽放,独芳于暗夜。

Tuberose       Hsu  ChiCheng

The flower will open while it’s the night.
What kind of flower is it?
Why it picks out the night to open?
How pure white and how pure scent is that flower!
Opens in night, that flower likes a bright lamp one by one, brightening in the darken night, the fragrance is the light from the brilliant radiate, sprinkles everywhere, omnipresent, penetrates into everywhere, boundless.
Opens in the night, that flower likes song soprano one by one, the fragrance is the tune lingering, higher and higher, linger and linger, resounds everywhere, happy all person.
Opens in the night, that flower likes the firm rock in midstream, no looks an eyes to the rush agitate of the adverse current, wildly current and rushing current, pledges to die at its post, stands towering, to remain unshaken, to remain unmoved.
Opens in the night, that flower like the crow of cock in the situation of wind and rain sweeping across a gloomy sky, in spite of how great the wind and rain, how long they last, no stop still, consistently, no change forever, no fear, be vigilant to others, be on the alert to others.
It doesn’t to join in fun, doesn’t strive after fame and gain. When all flower open in the day for race beauty and gorgeous, it silently no word, just after all the flower opened, and silent, no of any word, it just to appear smile, open at the best, it scents in the dark only.
What a man of noble character he is! What a kind of scent of pure and chaste, assails the nostrils!
Therefore, it obtains my great respect and love!@


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