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造物这个园丁,说来算是极为公平无私的。他整年不停,日夜不歇,到处普施爱心与 恩泽,给世界这座繁花遍植的大花园,浇水灌溉,施撒肥料,以雾露,以甘霖,以阳 光……。
于是,春天有春天的花朵,夏天有夏天的花朵,秋天有秋天的花朵,冬天有冬天的花 朵——各个季节有各个季节不同的花朵。
它是极为鲜明突出的;因为冬天的花朵不多,它却不畏寒冷,如期展绽——它和梅花 ,一红一白,成为冬天里两个鲜明突出的风景。
时间一分一秒地过去,造物整年不停日夜不歇地浇水灌溉,施撒肥料,圣诞红不住地 吸取养分,储蓄蕴酿,生长壮大,枝干渐次长粗长硬,盾形绿叶渐次加浓加深长肥, 当冬天一来,红叶便在枝头展绽成花瓣,一片片向外横伸排列,自然围成一个圆圈, 在众多绿叶榇托下,更见其鲜红如火,艳丽逾恒。

X’mas Flower        Hsu ChiCheng

The gardener the Creator, is to be said he’s uphold justice extremely. He gives love and favour to public whole year long, ceaselessly every day and night, grants the world this large garden flowers planted, watering, fertilizing, with fog and dew, with timely rain, with sunshine…
Therefore, there are the spring flowers in the spring, there are the summer flowers in the summer, there are the autumn flowers in the autumn, there are the winter flowers in the winter—every season has its different flower.
Therefore, X’mas flower will be blossomed.
It’s sticking out extremely, because there are less flowers open in winter, but it no afraid of the cold, blossoms as usual, — it as well as the plum, red is one white is one, becomes two distinct and stick landscape in the winter.
It’s very different from public, because its blossom is surely no the same of other flower.
The time passes one minute after one second, the Creator watering, fertilizing, day and night ceaselessly whole year, the X’mas flower absorbs the nurture successively, stores and brews, grower and stronger, branch and twig grows thick and sturdy slowly, shield-like green leave grows thick and strong and plump slowly, when winter is here, the red leave will open into petal on the top of the twig, lines up outward one by one, encircles to be a ring naturally, under the set off by multitudinous leaves, is more to be seen bright red as fire, gorgeous more over usual.
What is it they line up and open? What is it symbol again they circle to be a ring?
Oh, it’s the peace, the sacred and kindness, the enthusiasm, and the warmth…@


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