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The True Meaning of Wrinkle  Hsu ChiCheng

In spite of how hard the stone, if it lay under the eaves, experiences the drops gathered by the weak rain, drips a drop after a drop as days and months went by, will be melted or pierced, let along the weak face of person?
The face of person is very weak, can’t bear the trample underfoot, drill and prick, temper ceaselessly by the small and fragmentary foot steps of time, becomes rough eventually and builds many wrinkles.
Due to these foot steps, make the face of person high mountains, valleys, big rivers, tributaries. They arranged in a crisscross pattern on great land of the face, either big or small, either bulky or thin, either high or low…
Wow, how horrible! The time is truly horrible. It can make the face of person into such primary, elegant, abundant, magnificent, excellent, brilliant, graceful bearing, let us admire limitless…
Yes, wrinkle let us admire, likes the lamp in the darken night, sprinkles forever radiance, attracts the eye sight of us to up look, likes numerous moths flapping his wings toward fire…
It shines faintly the radiance of experience and temper within the wrinkle…
It shines faintly the radiance of wisdom and knowledge within the wrinkle…
It shines faintly the radiance of blood and sweat as well as diligence within the wrinkle…
It shines faintly the radiance of determination and tears within the wrinkle…
Then, let it tramples underfoot, drills and pricks, tempers ceaselessly by the small and fragmentary foot steps of time! It will appear slowly high mountains, valleys, big rivers, tributaries, and sprinkles eventually brilliant and forever radiance! @


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