


Double-edged straight sword Jjian(Fotolia)

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The Sword Hsu ChiCheng
The sword, steel-like hard, sharp-like, piercingly cold, keen, makes a showy display of its abilities, shining the chilling, often likes a streak of lightning, no need to flourish it, will press us unable to open our eyes, lose our breath. The tough guy braved all over the world, only a swords block in front of him, whoever have to stop his step, even he will fear into tremble, shrink back…The formidable force is so violent like thus!
Yes, the formidable force of the sword is so violent like thus! It can peel gold and cut jade. The thing hardest, even diamond, it can divide into two pieces. It can chop the softest. Even the silk of the affection which thousands of intricacies and complicated, it can make a clean break with a knife. All the things alive must bend in front of it; as to the life of human being; it’s no need to say any more.
Yes, as to the life of human being, it’s no need to say more. Just to stroke a sword, even no need a stroke, just a streak of lightning of the sword, a gust of sword energy, one person will die. The human life is weak the most, often gives him a pugilism, a tumble, a dash, a knife, a sword, even for hungry or cold, he will die. How weak the life of human being!
Of course, sword is a thing to make a person to die. On the principle, kill a man is a crime; but remove traitor and excise evil, kill enemy for protectorate is honest and upright, open and above-board, make us stand in awe of his behaviour. What about the sword doing is thus. In this time, the sword is a holy sword– Mo Ye? Gan Jiang?—It’s the sword of remove traitor and excise evil, honest and upright!
Wishing that all persons who use the sword, will cautious, let every sword is the holy sword– Mo Ye? Gan Jiang?—the sword of remove traitor and excise evil, honest and upright! @


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