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雏鸟、幼虫、稚兽、小鱼,也莫不如此。它们的小小身躯,幼嫩,鲜细,或睡,或动 ,或静止,渐次长大起来,渐次活跃起来,渐次强壮起来……。这就是成长。哇,多么令人喜悦!
人和其他物类也没有什么不同。一个人从母体受孕,经过十个月怀胎,然后哇哇坠地,成为婴儿、幼儿、儿童……由母亲哺乳到喂食,到独立自食,从滚动到爬行,到站立,到被扶着走,到自行踏步前进,从无知到有识……。这就是成长。哇,多么令人 喜悦!


Grow up Hsu ChiCheng

Grow up is a good thing, makes a person to be pleasure limitless. Of course, it must cooperate with many conditions. Be in pregnant for a long time of hardship, offer love mind to water, cultivate.
The grass is all right, the flower is all right, the tree is all right, a seed buries in the earth, receives the hatch of the ground-warmth, absorbs moisture and nutrition, it sprouts, sticks out the ground, grows two pieces of leave, as like to give a stretch, higher in a moment, and again like two wings of the bird, want to strive up onto sky. This is a grow up. Wow, how pleasure it is to be made!
Young bird, larva, cub, young fish, everyone is thus also. Their tiny bodies are immature, fresh, may sleep, may move, may motionless, grow up slowly, active slowly, strong slowly… This is a grow up. Wow, how pleasure it is to be made!
There is no any difference between human being and animal. A person from be in pregnant by mother, passes through be in pregnant of ten months, then birth with burst out crying, becomes an infant, a child… and feed by the mother, to eat by himself independently, from rolling to creep, to stand, to walk by the help of armrest, to step forward by himself, from ignorance to posses knowledge…This is a grow up. Wow, how pleasure it is to be made!
Yes, grow up is a good thing, makes a person to be pleasure limitless. May it be a grass, a flower, a tree, a bird, an insect, a fish, as to a person, only it’s grow up, it’s a good thing, it will make one pleasure limitless. In fact, is it far more than these? We also pleasure to see grow up about economic, culture, polity… grow up about society, country!@


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