





它们尽心竭力地鸣唱着,看那样子,真是施展出了浑身解数,要把夏日鸣唱得极为热 闹。

东面有着蝉鸣。西面有着蝉鸣。南面有着蝉鸣。北面有着蝉鸣。……这许多蝉鸣果然 来自何方?





是一阵阵霏霏细雨,飘洒而下。啊,不,不是细雨,是一阵阵霏霏洒洒的小酒滴,令 夏日沉醉,乡间沉醉,果园沉醉,林稍沉醉,人们沉醉……。



Oh, Be Intoxicated with     Hsu ChiCheng

Creak, creak, the cicada chirp, in the summer, in the countryside, in the orchid, on the top of the tree, a spell and a spell…

One is the first, and then the other respond to, one, two, three…at last, hundred and thousand, thousand and ten thousand, can’t make clear of how many are they chirp…

They chirp the best and put their heart and soul into the chirping, it seems that, they pour out as possible as they can, wish to chirp the summer into most bustling.

There are the cicadas chirping in the east. There are the cicadas chirping in the west. There are the cicadas chirping in the south. There are the cicadas chirping in the north…Where are those so many cicadas come from?

There is a scene of joyousness parade on the space. There is a cool and refreshing spread on the space…

It must be the trumpet one and one, play the long and long tune, ceaselessly for a long time. It seems that there can see a trumpet, makes an effort to blows it, on the classic temple fair, on the dinner party…

It must be a lovely tiny dog, stretch his long and long tongue, to lick the skin of the person, ticklish, calmly…

It must be a spell and a spell of drizzle, floating down, oh, no, not the drizzle, it’s the tiny liquor sprinkling, let the summer be intoxicated with, the countryside be intoxicated with, the orchid be intoxicated with, on the top of the tree be intoxicated with, and people be intoxicated with…

Oh, be intoxicated with! All will be fine while there are intoxicated with on this world.@
