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组图:7月4日国庆 看美国人如何表达爱国

小女孩带着漂亮的红白蓝花环。(GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
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7月4日艳阳下火热的童心。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
Athena Volante, 2, holds an American flag as she sits with her grandmother, Valla Burnett (R), during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
2岁的Athena Volante坐在祖母的怀里,挥舞着国旗看游行。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
Preston Chilcott, 6, waves an American flag during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
6岁的Preston Chilcott挥舞着国旗走在国庆节的游行队伍中。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
People wave American flags as they ride through 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
国庆节游行上,最开心的就是天真可爱的孩子们。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
Children wave American flags ahead of the 4th of July Parade, in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
煞有介事地坐等游行队伍的到来。(GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
Xareny Ascencio, 7 and Xiclali Ascencio, 8, pose for a portrait while attending the 4th of July Parade, in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
7岁的Xareny Ascencio和8岁的Xiclali Ascencio是一对可爱的小姐俩。(GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)


Maggie Amiano dons a USA headband while watching the 4th of July Parade, in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
这位大姐的笑容绝对是阳光灿烂 。(GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
Women on a float wave to the crowds while riding through the 4th of July Parade, in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
奶奶们在花船上挥舞着手臂。(GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
A woman on a car waves an American flag while riding through the 4th of July Parade, in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
加州的阳光任人们放松地庆祝欢呼。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
A woman on a float waves an American flag while riding through the 4th of July Parade, in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
老奶奶的兴奋度也不亚于孩子,她被国旗元素仅仅围绕着。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
A woman waves an American flag in a car during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
这个小帽子还真绚!(GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
Liz Laroche (L) watches the 4th of July Parade from the sidewalk in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
这头发可是够火热的。(GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
People watch the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
7月4日欢庆独立日的人们。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
A man waves an American flag from a float during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
这位老兄活脱是刚刚立功归来接受欢迎的硬汉模样。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)


A woman from the "Soiled Dove" float waves to the crowd during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
Soiled Dove的游行车上挥舞着彩带的女人。(GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
A Sikh man rides on a motorcycle with the "Sikh Riders of America" group during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
印度人造型的摩托车队伍。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
TOPSHOT - A man wears decorative socks while riding a vintage bicycle during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
仿古自行车也上街了。(GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
TOPSHOT - A woman in costume waves to the crowd during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
火热奔放的姑娘。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
A woman rides a decorated horse during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
今天我是白马公主。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
A man waves to the crowd as he rides a float during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
大叔的幸福怎么也藏不住。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
A man carries a flag as he rides a horse during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
虽然单手拿旗很累,可是我很帅。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
A man holds an American flag as he rides a horse during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
墨西哥风情。(GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)


Makena Lawson, 8, shows off her freshly painted toes done for the 4th of July, as she watches the 4th of July Parade, in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
人家是用心打扮,她是用脚打扮。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
An American flag is reflected in the window of a car, as it drives through the 4th of July Parade, in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
今天最漂亮的小国旗,还有正式的旗杆呢。(GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
A man wears an American flag tucked into his hat while watching the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
随意却不随便的草帽+星条旗。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
Holiday accessories sit on the ground during the 4th of July Parade, in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
准备好装备,一会儿就要打扮起来了。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
American flags decorate a California license plate during the 4th of July Parade in Alameda, California on Monday, July 4, 2016. / AFP / GABRIELLE LURIE (Photo credit should read GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
这个车牌很牛。 (GABRIELLE LURIE/AFP/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY - JULY 04: David Phelps #35 of the Miami Marlins wears Stars and Stripes socks as he warms up before a game against the New York Mets at Citi Field on July 4, 2016 in the Flushing neighborhood of the Queens borough of New York City. (Photo by Rich Schultz/Getty Images)
7月4日,David Phelps穿着星条旗袜子,参加迈阿密马林鱼队(Miami Marlins) 和纽约大都会队(New York Mets)在纽约的比赛。 (Rich Schultz/Getty Images)

