组图:西雅图周三中午大停电 交通大混乱
【大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网2016年05月26日讯】华盛顿州西雅图市电力公司(Seattle City Light)周三表示,当地时间上午11时40分左右,由于马萨诸塞街变电站设备故障,造成大停电,12,000住户受到影响。
A video posted by The 5th Avenue Theatre (@the5thavenuetheatre) on
With power out downtown Seattle, food trucks are doing brisk business in Westlake Park.
— David Bennett (@DvBnt)
Crazy power outage downtown Seattle
— Ant (@EpicAjax)
Major power outage in downtown . We are live streaming all updates:
— Nick McGurk (@NickKIRO7)
is massive. Signals out from Madison to Pike. Horns beeping, drivers freakin’.
— Elisa Jaffe (@ElisaJaffe)
Major power outage in downtown
— Barry Tishgart (@barrytishgart)
power out in & we’re all helpless. pc monitors & espresso machines se down. Columbia Center goes dark
— Thomas Brew (@thomasbrew)