【大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网2016年11月04日讯】为了让华人更了解如何回答选票中:是否同意修订宪法的问题。中华总会特别请到法院认可中文翻译员翻译四条建议的修订宪法问题。Provides greater flexibility and state accountability to fix failing schools through increasing community involvement. 通过提高社区的参与,提供更大的灵活性和州政府的问责制来修整失败的学校。
“Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended to allow the state to intervene in chronically failing public schools in order to improve student performance?”
Authorizes penalties for sexual exploitation and assessments on adult entertainment to fund child victims’ services。
“Shall the constitution of Georgia be amended to allow additional penalties for criminal cases in which a person is adjudged guilty of keeping a place of prostitution, solicitation of sodomy, masturbation for hire, trafficking of persons for sexual servitude, or sexual exploitation of children and to allow assessments on adult entertainment establishments to fund the safe harbor for Sexually Exploited Children Fund to pay for care and rehabilitative and social services for individuals in this state who have been or may be sexually exploited?”“是否应当修正乔治亚州宪法允许在以下的刑事案件中施加额外的处罚,这些案件包括某人被判定有罪因为提供一个卖淫场所,涉及肛交或口交的卖淫行为,受雇手淫,贩运人口成为性奴,或者性剥削儿童和对成人娱乐场所进行评估,由此来拨款保障性剥削儿童基金支付在本州内已经受到或者也许受到性剥削的个人所需要的治疗,康复和社会服务?”
Reforms and re-establishes the Judicial Qualifications Commission and provides for its composition, governance, and powers。改革和重新建立司法资格委员会,规范它的组成,运作,和权利。
“Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to abolish the existing Judicial Qualifications Commission; require the General Assembly to create and provide by general law for the composition, manner of appointment, and governance of a new Judicial Qualifications Commission, with such commission having the power to discipline, remove, and cause involuntary retirement of judges; require the Judicial Qualifications commission to have procedures that provide for due process of law and review by the supreme Court of its advisory opinions; and allow the Judicial Qualifications Commission to be open to the public in some manner?”“是否应当修正乔治亚州宪法以废除现存的司法资格委员会;要求州议会创立一个新的司法资格委员会并且提供法律原则以规范它的组成,任命形式,和运作。该委员会有权利以纪律行为约束,撤销法官,以及对他们实行非自愿退休;要求司法资格委员会设立司法程式以提供正当法律程式,由州最高法院来审查它的建议性意见;并且允许司法资格委员会以某种形式向公众开放?”
Dedicates revenue from existing taxes on fireworks to trauma care, fire services, and public safety。把现有的烟火税的收入指定用于创伤医疗,消防服务和公共安全领域。
“Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to provide that the proceeds of excise taxes on the sale of fireworks or consumer fireworks be dedicated to the funding of trauma care, firefighter equipping and training, and local public safety purposes?”“是否应当修正乔治亚州宪法以提供从烟火贩卖或从消费者烟火中征收来的税款指定用于创伤医疗,消防员的装备与训练,以及地方公共安全目地的拨款?”