

中国新年 用英文说祝福语



据《国际商业时报》报导,中国新年对于中国人的意义等同于美国人过感恩节。华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校现代中国语言和文学教授陈蕾蒂(Lingchei Letty Chen)表示:“中国新年的意义主要是家庭团聚 ,在一年的始末,全家人从五湖四海赶回家团聚,欢聚一起庆祝,就像美国人过感恩节一样,也是家庭聚会并给予祝福和感谢。”


Hope the rising sun will bring with it bundles of joy, happiness and luck. Happy Chinese New Year!(希望升起的太阳带去欢乐、开心和幸运。新年快乐!)

Light the lanterns in another great year with new hopes and aspirations. Happy Chinese New Year!” (让我们点燃灯笼,来迎接新的一年,新的希望,新年快乐!)

Wishing you and your family the best of the world in this Chinese New Year!(祝您全家在新的一年里幸福安康!)

Another year gone by, another year about to start and another set of opportunities being provided to you for realising all your unfulfilled dreams in this Chinese New Year.(在这辞旧迎新的日子里,祝您梦想成真,新年新气象!)

Hope the days ahead are filled with immense joy and prosperity. Happy Chinese New Year.(希望在新的一年充满繁荣和快乐,新年快乐!)

Life is like a book, each day has a new page, with adventures to tell, lessons to learn and tales on good deed to remember. (人生就像一本书,每天都是崭新的一页,伴随着冒险、值得学习的地方和要记住的善行故事。)

May all your wishes come true on the Year of the Sheep.(羊年梦想成真!)

I wish you plentiful money and treasures on the Year of the Ram.(恭喜你羊年财源广进,恭喜发财!)

A cheery Chinese New Year hold lots of happiness for you!(新的一年里愿快乐永远伴随你!)

Happy Lunar New Year. Hope all your New Year dreams come true!(新年快乐,愿你所有的梦想成真!)
