第一条:在回顾罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)与奥巴马总统辩论讨论外交政策时,克里斯蒂说道:“我告诉你,总统先生,罗姆尼是对的,你是错的,你的政策导致了全世界正在受苦。”(Let me tell you something Mr. President, you were wrong, Mitt Romney was right and the world is suffering because of it.)
第二条:在全面禁止新泽西大麻合法化上,克里斯蒂遇到不少阻力。当谈到克罗拉多州将娱乐性大麻合法化时,克里斯蒂评价说:“去克罗拉多转一转,看你是不是想生活在那里。尤其是大城市,到处都是摆摊卖大麻的,而且外州人飞到那里去也仅仅是为了过把毒瘾。我们可不希望新泽西的生活质量也变成这样子。”(Go to Colorado and see if you want to live there. See if you want to live in a major city in Colorado, where there are head shops popping up on every corner, and people flying into your airport just to get high. To me, it’s not the quality of life we want to have here in the state of New Jersey.)
第三条:乔治华盛顿大桥(George Washington Bridge)车道关闭是一件大事,当民主党主导的立法委员会就此进行了长时间调查,并且将消息告诉媒体时,克里斯蒂表示不满:“他们更关心的是在电视上露面,而非寻找事实真相……我对这些已经厌烦了……而且我一直就知道这是民主党的主意……这次立法委将消息透露给媒体更说明了这一点。”(They care more about being on television than they care about actually getting to the truth and …… I’m tired of it. I’ve known all along that this has been a partisan pursuit …… and the leaking that’s being done by the legislative committee is just further evidence to the fact that this is a partisan pursuit.)
第四条:在谈到是否会竞选2016年总统时,克里斯蒂表示:“我还在考虑……这对我与我的家人来说都是一个很大的决定……或许到年底或明年年初我会做出决定。”(I’m thinking about it. …… It is an enormous decision to make not only for me, but my family …… (and) probably by the end of this year or the beginning of next I’ll decide.)
第五条:克里斯蒂的支持者与反对者都有很多,不少人在他的公众会议(Town Hall Meetings)中对他言辞激烈、甚至大吼。克里斯蒂就此发表意见:“当了五年州长之后,被人吼已对我没屁点影响。”(After being governor for five years, having them yell and scream at me doesn’t bother me one damn bit.)
第六条:在拉斯维加斯举办的共和党犹太人联盟会议上,克里斯蒂在演讲中说:“我从占领区乘坐直升飞机飞过,才切身地体会到以色列每天遇到的军事威胁有如此之大。”(I took a helicopter ride from the occupied territories across and just felt personally how extraordinary that was to understand, the military risk that Israel faces every day.)“占领区”是指由以色列军事占领,但有很多巴勒斯坦人居住的争议地区。巴勒斯坦一直以此挑战以色列。大多数以色列支持者反对使用“占领区”一词。事后克里斯蒂就此向会议主办人、共和党捐款人、拉斯维加斯赌业巨富阿德尔森(Sheldon Adelson)道歉。
第七条:当有人提出让克里斯蒂支持共和党人来竞选纽约州长以替代民主党科莫(Andrew Cuomo)时,他说:“就像我们不会出钱修复山体滑坡,我们也不会投资失败的事业。”(We don’t pay for landslides and we don’t invest in lost causes.)
第八条:因为有人说克里斯蒂只会做一个强硬的新泽西州长,他对自己的领导才能进行辩护说:“你知道 ,我口袋里可不止有一根(高尔夫球)杆子,我早就展示过了。”(“You know, I have more than one club in the bag, and I’ve demonstrated that over time.)
第九条:就乔治华盛顿大桥车道关闭一事,2014 年1月8日召开的新闻发布会上,克里斯蒂承认:“事实是错已经犯了,我会为此负责。”(“The fact is that mistakes were made, and I’m responsible for those mistakes,”)
第十条:在一次桑迪飓风救灾总结新闻发布会中,当有人打断克里斯蒂的发言、谴责他时,克里斯蒂说:“坐下,闭嘴!”(“Sit down and shut up!”)◇