食物甫端上桌,宴会就开始了。通常会准备各式酒酿来满足不同人的口味。 由香槟至浓艳的红酒,都可以配火鸡。但带少许香辣味,用本地甜南瓜做的南瓜派,配一杯葡萄酒,便给感恩节大餐画上了完美的句号。
配酒:Black Sage Vineyard Pipe 2008
在葡萄牙,Pipe 是量酒容器,这枝名为Pipe的卑诗制造的“砵酒”配南瓜派是个不错的选择。(只有在葡萄牙制造的砵酒才可以称之为砵酒,所以名为Pipe)。由梅偌(Merlot),红苏维翁(Cabernet Sauvignon),卡法兰(Cabernet Franc)混合,在橡木桶里存3年,凝聚了咖啡、无花果、坚果和香兰草的芳泽,味道好极了。@
Thanksgiving in Canada
By Judith Lane
Fall means Thanksgiving, one of Canada’s most beloved long-lived family celebrations. It is centered around food and family when loved ones join together to celebrate the harvest’s bounty.
But first a little bit about Thanksgiving and how it came to be. It is different from American thanksgiving which is based on America’s early settlers (the pilgrims) and the natives who shared indigenous foods like wild turkey and corn with them. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, a major family celebration of the year and is a lead-in to Christmas, on the third Thursday in November.
Canada’s Thanksgiving celebrates the bounty of the harvest that grew out of ancient European festivities to give thanks for plentiful food for the winter. It’s thought that the first Canadian (and North American) Thanksgiving happened in 1578 when explorers discovered the now Newfoundland and feasted in thanks. In the 1800s, Thanksgiving happened occasionally to mark various milestones but it wasn’t until 1879 that it became an annual celebration in the Fall. Since 1931, Thanksgiving has been celebrated on the second Monday in October. (It’s October 13 this year.)
Turkey is traditional centerpiece of the holiday feast along with other harvest foods like squash and corn. Today, alternatives to turkey like duck or vegetarian tofurkey (made with tofu) are common.
Growing up, my family’s Thanksgiving menu didn’t change much. My mother, who was raised on a farm in Manitoba, was a good but plain cook and our dinner was simple and traditional. The centerpiece was a glorious big turkey roasted to golden perfection and stuffed with a fragrant herbed bread stuffing. It was served with homemade cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, a small ocean of gravy, green beans, and mashed turnips and carrots (a tradition from my father’s English family). My mother baked wonderful soft fluffy white buns for special occasions like this. Kids were given a small glass of wine at holiday meals which none of us liked very much. None of us cared for wine but we learned about it and decided it must be for adult tastes. Dessert was a very different story. Pumpkin pie! With whipped cream. No matter how much we’d eaten, there was always room for this once-a-year treat.
Today, my family’s Thanksgiving dinner is almost the same. It’s still centered around the turkey but we now spatchcock the bird (this means to remove the backbone and flatten it) and grill it on the barbecue. The turkey cooks much quicker and more evenly. The skin is crisp and the meat moist. I’m a big fan of this method since grilling falls to the man of the house who loves to barbecue.
Our always-expanding table is filled with whatever family is visiting and assortment of good friends. The table is decorated simply with beautiful red, orange and gold maple leaves that children have carefully gathered, choosing the most perfect ones they can find.
Once the food is served, the feasting begins. There is always an assortment of wines to please everyone’s palate. Champagne or sparkling wine is great to drink throughout the meal while other wines include Riesling, rosés, and bold fruity reds like certain Pinot Noirs, Merlot and Shiraz that pair well. Turkey is very wine-friendly and the best match of all is to drink a wine that you like.
Pumpkin pie–lightly spicy and made from local sugar pumpkins–and a glass of Port are a perfect finish to this celebratory meal.
Wine pairing: Black Sage Vineyard Pipe 2008
Port or a port-style wine like this BC-made fortified wine is an ideal match pumpkin pie. (Only Port made in Portugal can be called Port.) Made from a blend of merlot, cabernet sauvignon, and cabernet franc, Pipe is aged for three years in neutral oak barrels. With hints coffee, figs, nuts and vanilla, Pipe pairs deliciously with pumpkin pie.