自焚藏人最珍惜生命;他们是通过让生命升华为灿烂意义的方式珍惜生命。同那些终生作专制暴政的精神奴隶、让自己在物性贪欲中腐烂而死的庸人相比,自焚藏人才是以自由人的方式珍惜生命——他们不允许生命被铁血强权侮辱;他们珍惜生命的方式再次表述出一句必将流传千古的誓言: “不自由,毋宁死。”
Burning Tibet is Interrogating the Conscience of Mankind
Hong Bing Yuan
Tibet is burning. Up to today, there have been about one hundred and ten Tibetan people who set themselves on fire. Combined with the agony of being burnt alive, they devoted their lives to freedom to be remembered in history.
Tibetan people’s self-immolation is a movement of freedom protesting against the cultural genocide policy of the Chinese Communist tyranny. In the past several thousands of years of human civilisation, there have not been any ethnic groups yet express their love for freedom and their denial to the tyranny of dictatorship in such a passionate and noble way, like the Tibetan people. Every self-immolated Tibetan is like a piece of a heroic epic, a song of freedom, a saint and a proud free man.
The self-immolated Tibetan people cherished life the most, just others; they cherished life in the way of letting their lives sublimate to a brilliant significance. Comparing with the mediocrities who are content with being the spiritual slaves of tyranny all their lives and letting themselves decay to death in material desire, the Tibetan people self-immolated to cherish their lives in the way of true free men —- they did not allow their lives to be insulted by the iron grip of power and suppression. The way they cherished lives once again demonstrated their oath which will endure for all ages: Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death.
The burning Tibet is interrogating the conscience of mankind: facing the economic temptation, interests and bribes from the Chinese Communist tyranny, whether if international society still has the moral courage to adhere to the values of freedom. The Chinese Communist tyranny is the root cause of all sufferings and spiritual sorrows of Tibet. The ideology of freedom of the whole world will suffer heavy losses and setbacks if the international society dares not to give clear and solid support to the Tibetans’ self-immolation movement protest against the Chinese Communist tyranny.
In the nineteen fifties, Tibetan people signed the Peace Agreement with the Chinese Communist Party, thus gave the right of deciding the political fate of Tibetans to the communist tyranny; they tried to buy some space for a peaceful and settled life. However, what Tibetan people bought was political slavery and economic deprivation; there were about 1.2 million of Tibetan people died in military slaughter, political persecution and torturing in forced labour camps. Until today, the Tibetan people still have no choice but to struggle for the rights of freedom in such a sorrowful way of self-immolation.
Giving sovereignty and their national dignity to the Communist tyranny, they received nothing but the humiliating disgrace to their national personality and slavery; within the framework of the constitution of the People’s Republic of China, there is no freedom, only slavery. The tyranny of Chinese Communist Party suppressed Tibet for over sixty years; the countless anti-humanity crimes the Chinese Communist Party committed in Tibet, is the whole reason for Tibetan people to restore Tibet to its original state. Their tragic historical lessons taught the Tibetan people that losing their own lands means losing everything.
Here, I call upon on all people who regard freedom as the common cause of whole mankind to support Free Tibet Movement firmly; to support Tibetan’s self-immolation protests firmly.
I strongly believe that those unforgivable anti-humanity crimes the Chinese Communist tyranny committed in East Asia will be brought to justice. When the coming of justice is here at last, history will remember those self-immolated Tibetan people with the highest honours — they are heroes who ignited their lives with burning flames for freedom.
I wrote some lyrics for a song to those Tibetan people who set themselves in fire the other day. The name of the song is “Song of Sacred Fire of Self-Immolations”. Now, please allow me to recite these lyrics for you, to conclude my speech.
Song of Sacred Fire of Self-Immolations
Burning with the wind, dancing to roaring flames;
Ignite a golden light to Buddha, on the peak of snow-capped mountains;
Ignite a sacred fire of freedom, on the highest summit in heaven;
Let the fire burn, it’s the start of death;
From flame to dust, it’s the return of heart and soul.
In the fire contains the glories of their ancestors,
In the fire contains pride of free men;
Smiling in the golden flames, are iron-willed men of the snowy lands,
Those singing loudly in the fiery flames, are the beauties of the highlands.
The Sun cries, Yalutsangpo River is his/her endless tears;
The sky cries, rainstorm is his/her blanketing sadness;
Oh —- I cry, my burning heart turns into a requiem.
Speech at rally to support the Tibetans’ Self-immolation Movement protest against the Chinese Communist tyranny in Canberra
18th March 2013