
看新闻学英语:超可爱无尾熊 搭独木舟一程

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Supercute Koala Hitches A Ride With Canoeists
超可爱无尾熊 搭独木舟一程

1. hitch: [hɪtʃ] v. 勾住、拴住
2. creek: [krik] n. 小溪
3. wildlife : [ˋwaɪld͵laɪf] n.野生生物
4. paddling : [ˋpædlɪŋ] 划舟
5. plunge : [plʌndʒ] n. v. 跳入, 冲进
6. canoeist: [kəˋnuɪst] n. 驾独木舟者
7. marsupial: [mɑrˋsjupɪəl] adj. 有袋的
8. furry: [ˋfɝɪ] adj. 覆有毛皮的
9. clamber: [ˋklæmbɚ] 爬

Traveling down the Tallebudgera Creek in Australia’s Gold Coast, you may be fortunate enough to see all kinds of wildlife…. such as this super cute Koala paddling by the waters edge.

And although Koalas are not known for their swimming skills, this little fellow is happy to take the plunge.

What’s more, he knows exactly where he is going – straight to the group of canoeists paddling down the creek.

Not content with just saying hello, with a little help the furry friend clambers aboard.

Soon he is making himself comfortable.

The canoeists, meanwhile, are delighted with their handsome new passenger!

The adventurous marsupial was later taken to local spot known to be popular with Koalas.


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