A Vigil for Those Who Perished for Their Beliefs
1. memorial: [məˋmorɪəl] n.纪念碑
2. persecution: [͵pɝsɪˋkjuʃən] n. 迫害
3. first hand : n.phr. 第一手的, 直接的
4. vigil: [ˋvɪdʒəl] 守夜、夜祷
5. candle light vigil: n.phr. 烛光夜祷
6. harm : [hɑrm] v. 伤害
7. counter: [ˋkaʊntɚ] v.反制、对抗
8. slander : [ˋslændɚ] n. 诽谤
9. miserable: [ˋmɪzərəbl] adj. 痛苦的、不幸的
10. manifestation: [͵mænəfɛsˋteʃən] n.显示、表明
11. withdrawn : [wɪðˋdrɔn] withdraw的p.p.过去分词,退出
12. pay off : v.phr. 取得成功
13. commence : [kəˋmɛns] v.着手、开始
Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners gathered at the Washington Memorial for a candle light vigil on Friday (July 13). It’s to remember their fellow practitioners who have died during the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of the spiritual practice.
Sun Xueming experienced this persecution first hand. Because she practiced Falun Gong, she was illegally imprisoned and tortured by Chinese authorities for her beliefs. The candlelight vigil was an emotional experience.
[Sun Xuemei, Falun Gong practitioner]:
“(This candle lights vigil) reminds me of the many fellow practitioners that I was with in China. Some of them were persecuted to death, and many of them are still in labor camps.”
Another practitioner, Mrs. Sun, says Falun Gong practitioners believe those who participate in the persecution are harming themselves in the end. They risk their lives to counter the Chinese regime’s slander of the Falun Gong, so that less people would aid in the persecution.
[Sun Xuemei, Falun Gong practitioner]:
“There are over 10,000 policemen who have participated in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners who have later died of sudden illness. If Chinese people don’t know the truth and follow along with the persecution, their future will be miserable. We don’t want this to happen. Helping people see the truth is a manifestation of our compassion.”
Li Sha, one of the organizers of the vigil, said the efforts of Falun Gong practitioners are working. More Chinese people are now willing to speak up against the persecution.
[Li Sha, vigil organizer]:
“There are ant-persecution petitions circulating with thousands of signatures. Over 120 million people have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party. Chinese people are waking-up to the truth about the persecution and the Party. Falun Gong practitioners’ efforts to spread the truth have paid off. Meanwhile, the principals of truthfulness, benevolence and tolerance are rebuilding the moral foundation of Chinese society.”
The persecution of Falun Gong began in July of 1999, when the then Communist Party leader Jiang Zemincommenced a violent crackdown on practitioners and their families. Tens of thousands of practitioners have been illegally harassed, detained, imprisoned, and tortured—often leading to death.