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2011/11/16 于新庄

Blossoms of Poetry Blossoming, Colors in Riotous Profusion
— Preface to Blossoming Blossoms of Poetry
By Hsu Chicheng

Since on May 22, 1961 when I published my first poem on the Literary Supplement of United News Paper, 50 years have passed. Now I collect my poems into Blossoming Blossoms of Poetry, the selection of my poems which, thought part of my poems, they represent my poetic achievement.
50 years, yes, how many 50 years do we have in our life?
I was born in 1939, now over 72 years old. Two years ago, I wrote a poem entitled Seventy Years as Spring — Written for the 70th Birthday to spur myself on, thinking of the universally acknowledged “life begins at 70”. Therefore, in addition to periodical summary, I regard the collection as a new starting point in my new life, which may be the readers’ guess.
I was born and grew up in a small village of less than ten households in the south suburb of Chauchou, Pingtung County, where I was deeply influenced by countryside landscape and chastened by agricultural activities such as tilling the field, cattle grazing, and mud playing, etc. I was exposed to blowing winds and lashing rains, receiving everything in the great nature unconditionally, even during my schooling years and even before I left the South. From the great nature, vast field, and agricultural activities I have benefited a lot, and from them I drew most of my materials for poetry composition. So what I write, in the overwhelming majority, is what I have seen or have felt or have experienced in the countryside. My pieces are written in more blood than ink. Humanism is the basic point in my writing; with the usual subjects of countryside, landscape, and nature, to eulogize the sunny side of human life and to spur people onward, so as to finally bring benefit to my readers. This can be confirmed from the 6 collections of prose, 7 collections of poems, and other poems and prose which have not yet been included into any collections. In the past 50 years, the poetry forum of Taiwan has been an animated scene: various styles and various schools of poems. But I do not follow any other school than my own pastoral school. I go my own way by tilling my own land, sowing my own seeds, and cultivating my own crops,

Afraid of no bitterness
Afraid of no loneliness
He shall go his own way by himself alone

Countryside is quiet and peaceful, where the land lies there in the posture of utter devotion, for plants to die and grow in an endless succession, for animals to hop and jump, for farmers to dig and till, without any complaint. The farmers spare no efforts tilling the soil and growing crops, in expectation of a good harvest, and they are admirable for their bosom of “raising people of the world” while not avoiding mistakes and not striving for merit. They do their farming work in silence with the rising and the setting of the sun, while keeping their own business without the ambition of enrichment or promotion. Therefore, they form the morality of sincerity and simplicity, each face beaming with honesty and tolerance. They are living a leisurely life, as if in a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world. Of course, there are difficulties and confrontations, but they resign themselves to their fate and never impute faults and wrongs on others. I laud them, for their smiles, for their bitterness. On the other hand, I also laud favors from the great nature. The fields and pastures that stretch on and on, the running water that murmurs and babbles, the crops, the lush grasses, green trees, and various fruits, the flowers that open in accordance with the turn of seasons, the docile domestic birds and animals, the birds and insects that sing and produce melodious music, the dancing butterflies, the genial wind, the hills and the sea in the near distance, and the quiet days, all appeal to us. All these things, like the farmers here, keep their own places and grow silently or produce fruits or make unselfish dedication. They have a great and lofty sentiment.
It is a pity that, by their intelligence and wisdom, human beings have made many inventions but, in spite of the development of science and technology, the great nature is more and more harmed: there are more and more damages, more and more pollutions, more and more natural disasters, such as landslide, onrushing of earth flow, flood disaster. The ozonosphere is damaged, which gives rise to the warming up of climate, causing the death of a lot of schools after schools of fishes and showers of birds; the Arctic icebergs begin to thaw, which may cause the expansion of water surface and the disappearance of some areas on the earth. For all this, I write some poems about environmental protection, for people to be alert against any danger, to try every means to protect the earth on which we are living, and for us to live in peace and harmony with myriads of things on this planet.
Now I am over 72 years, in my advanced age. After a period of using, a machine is to see some wear and tear, and the same case applies to a person who is advanced in age. There is a decline in function: ailments and diseases from time to time. How to live in advanced age? What about the actual situation? How to get along with relatives and friends? What to do when caught with a disease? How to spend life in old age? To lose heart, owing to the inability to do many things? And sad in privacy, to be a lonely old man? No. Still useful is the old age. At least the experience and wisdom gained through lifetime is valuable, so we shall be optimistic instead of pessimistic, and try to make a careful plan of our life in the old age, so as to bring our efforts into full play. At the last section of our life, in spite of dusk with a setting sun, we shall enjoy it. Besides poetry, I also express my feelings in prose. I retired from work in 1998, in advance of 6 years of the prescribed time. Though plagued by diseases, I courageously face up to them and I believe, I have coped well with them. The following is a poem describing my life after retirement entitled Painting the Afterglow:

It surprised me as soon as I retired that
The sun has declined
And the breath is unusual
O, the years were about dusk

Thereafter, I appreciated every day
The declined sun painted
The baby flow after world war
Into colors of the afterglow
With the youth fought tooth and nail
I had been shaken in my mind

Therefore I encouraged myself
Raised my pen
Drived my strength
Painting the colors of the afterglow
Day after day
As they did

There is nothing bad about retirement
There is nothing bad about dusk
I can paint still
—Though it’s painting the afterglow
It can paint better

Isn’t it so? Though an old man, though life in old age, though in dusk with a setting sun, I can still paint rosy clouds, I can still live a colorful life — nay, I believe that I can paint better rosy clouds and can live a more colorful life.
Life is not fully up to our expectations, and nobody can predict the future. I have a poem entitled Tug-of-War which, according to its content, it is a tug-of-war between science & technology and environmental protection, but the deep meaning is manifold:

The wonderful competition at the turn of the century
Which party is going to win?
Or the game is finely balanced, so as to keep ecology in lasting balance?

Let there be a tug-of-war: between science & technology and environmental protection. And we are also having a tug-of-war, with our emotion, with our academic performance, with our career, and with our fate … even if we are old people now, we shall still remember, as in my poem entitled A Sugarcane’s Words:

I am determined to devote myself to human beings,
And I don’t care about whether you eat up my flesh or drink up my blood.!
November 16, 2011 at Hsinchuang


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