
古怪的股市数字 “纪念”天安门屠杀

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Bizarre Stock Market Numbers “Commemorate” China’s Tiananmen Massacre
古怪的股市数字 “纪念”天安门屠杀


1. bizarre :[bɪˋzɑr] adj.奇异的
2. massacre : [ˋmæsəkɚ] n. 屠杀
3. coincidence : [koˋɪnsɪdəns] n. 巧合
4. splash : [splæʃ] v.泼
5. numerology : [͵njuməˋrɑlədʒɪ] n.命理学
6. artillery : [ɑrˋtɪlərɪ] n. 火炮
7. on purpose :v.phr. 故意地
8. to a certain extent : phr. 某种程度上
9. manipulate : [məˋnɪpjə͵let] v. 操作
10. vindicate : [ˋvɪndə͵ket] 证明…无辜、平反
11. take any chance : phr. 冒任何风险

Today, June 4, is the 23rd anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. And in what appears to be a bizarre coincidence—the numbers from China’s stock market appeared to commemorate the day.

The Shanghai Composite Index fell 64.89 points in trading. That’s 6-4-8-9, or 6/4 ’89. In Chinese, that’s exactly the way you say June 4, 1989, the term used specifically for the Tiananmen massacre.
上海综合指数交易下跌64.89点,那就是6-4-8-9, 或6/4 ’89。在中文上,这正是你说1989年6月4日,这个词被特定用来指天安门屠杀。

Coincidence? How about the opening numbers for the Index? It opened at 2346.98. Backwards, that’s ’89 6/4 23, or 1989 – June 4th – 23rd anniversary.
巧合吗?看看开盘数字如何?开盘在2346.98点,从后往前看,那就是’89 6/4 23, 或是1989 – 6月4日 – 23周年.

It’s making a big splash in China, where many people believe numerology has real significance.

In Hong Kong, where people were holding a candlelight vigil, there were mixed feelings.

[Bonny Kwok, Housewife]:
“I believe this is God’s plan to a certain extent. It’s very cruel for the central government to kill the students using tanks and artillery. But I also believe that there are some people out there who are trying to do this on purpose.”

[Tony, Designer]:
“I don’t believe it’s God’s plan. I think there are people who can manipulate the market. But I think this is a good thing, for people to remember the June 4 crackdown and remind them of the importance to vindicate the Tiananmen incident.”

Whether it’s God’s plan, market manipulation, or just a coincidence, at least Beijing’s censors aren’t taking any chances. Today, on many websites, they blocked searches related to June 4th, and even to the Shanghai stock market.

* * *

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本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw

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