

Daniel Chen, David Lee
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Chinese Media Censorship Spike Indicates “Changes” Coming to Great Firewall


1. Censorship :[s’ɛnsɚʃ,ɪp] n. 审查
2. Spike:[sp’ɑɪk] v. 阻止;制止
3. In place :ph. 在适当的位置上
4. Speculation:[sp,ɛkjəl’eʃən] n. 推测
5. Subject to: ph. 受…的控制
6. Rumor:[r’umɚ] n. 谣言
7. Purge:[p’ɚdʒ] n. 清算
8. Dissent :[dɪs’ɛnt] n. 异议
9. Exile:[‘ɛgz,ɑɪl] v. 驱逐

For roughly an hour on Thursday morning, Mainland Internet users were incapable of visiting any foreign website. This degree of censorship is far beyond the normal monitoring and blocking technologies put in place by Chinese Communist Party authorities… commonly known as the Great Chinese Firewall.

Though the incident lasted only an hour or so, it has given rise to intense speculation. Combined with other recent trends, it has led some to believe that the entire system of media and Internet censorship might be targeted for radical changes.

Though political content has always been subjected to tight monitoring, that has intensified in recent days as rumors and debate have spread online about China’s top news story: the purge of former Party leadership hopeful Bo Xilai.

Posts mentioning Bo have been deleted, and Internet searches have been blocked. It’s apparently a bid to prevent serious dissent from forming over the move to exile Bo from Chinese politics.

10. Crackdown :[kr’ækd,ɑʊn]n. 镇压
11. Detention :[dɪt’ɛnʃən]n. 拘留
12. coup d’etat :ph. 政变
13. faction :[f’ækʃən] n. 派系
14. reformer:[rɪf’ɔrmɚ] n. 改革派
15. hardliner:[h’ɑrdl,ɑɪnɚ]n. 强硬派

Chinese authorities also announced Thursday that they had shut down 42 websites and erased over 210,000 web posts since mid-March, all part of a crackdown on “dangerous” rumors.

These include one widespread rumor, beginning shortly after Bo’s apparent detention on March 15th, that his allies at high levels were launching a political coup d’etat.

At the same time, however, there have been other signs that the censorship structure might change in the direction of greater freedom.

Since March, there have been numerous occasions when it has been suddenly possible to access web content related to highly-censored topics, such as the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, or the Falun Gong spiritual practice and its persecution by Communist Party forces.

As the Party’s factions now struggle for power in this year’s crucial leadership transition, one of the major questions will be which side, reformers or hardliners, ends up in command of China’s vast system of Internet censorship and control.


本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw

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