
看新闻学英语:神韵在柏林 “振奋人心 了不起”

Jessie Chen, David Lee
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Shen Yun in Berlin – “Inspiring and Fantastic”
神韵在柏林 – “振奋人心 了不起”


1. by all accounts: ph. From all reports available, from what everyone is saying据说
2. emotional: [ɪˋmoʃən!] adj. readily or excessively affected by emotion感动的
3. resonate: [ˋrɛzə͵net] v. to be understood or receive a sympathetic response共呜、共振
4. exude: [ɪgˋzjud] v. to make apparent by mood or behavior散发、渗出
5. spiritual: [ˋspɪrɪtʃʊəl] adj. relating to the spirit or soul and not to physical nature or matter精神上的、心灵的
6. reference: [ˋrɛfərəns] n. the relation between a word, phrase, or symbol and the object or idea to which it refers 关系、关联
7. divine: [dəˋvaɪn] adj.of, relating to, or characterizing God神的、神性的
8. reflect: [rɪˋflɛkt]v. to think, meditate, or ponder反省、思考
9. vivid: [ˋvɪvɪd]adj. strikingly bright or intense鲜艳的、生动的
10. scenography: [siˋnɑgrəfɪ]n. the art of portraying objects or scenes in perspective透视法的
11. combination: [͵kɑmbəˋneʃən]n. a number of things combined结合(体)
12. transition: [trænˋzɪʃən] v. to make a transition过渡、转变

Shen Yun Performing Arts continue their European tour, with a second show in Berlin on Saturday.

And by all accounts, the audience found the performance highly enjoyable.

[Hans Maronna, Entrepreneur]:
“The evening was wonderful. This is the first time I’ve seen the show. I had heard of it, but to experience it – you feel like you’re in a fairy tale movie. For me, it was incredibly emotional.”
企业家Hans Maronna说:

Some in the audience say they resonated with a spiritual depth the show exuded.

[Thorsten Wittke, Radio Programming Director]:
“I myself am a very spiritual person, and the references to the divine were not particularly foreign to me. I felt my inner life very well reflected through it. This was not that new to me also – I felt there was a certain familiarity there, indeed.”
[电台主编Thorsten Wittke说:

This artist was inspired by the vivid use of color in scenographic design.

[René Melzer, Artist & Graphic Designer]:
“I found the colors very inspiring, especially in the costumes, but also the whole combination with the music and the dance. This was amazing, I have to say. It was really the combination of it all. Every time it was a completely new scenery. The colors also changed the mood every time, and one could feel this inside. I feel it in myself and now I would like to paint and express that.”
艺术家及平面设计师René Melzer说:

Digital and animated projections of the scenery complemented the dance on stage.

[Karl-Heinz Drescher, Entrepreneur]:
“The whole composition impressed me very much. The way all the incredible dancers combined together. And I have never seen anything like the stage scenery here.”
企业家Karl-Heinz Drescher说:

[Sigrun Dierkes, Retired Doctor] :
“Lovely images in the background scenography. Very nice how it transitioned from people dancing in front of the screen to them sort of jumping into the image.”
退休医师Sigrun Dierkes说:

[Karl-Heinz Drescher, Entrepreneur]:
“This was a fantastic experience for me. Even just in terms of the optical and acoustic effects. I can recommend this show to everybody.”
企业家Karl-Heinz Drescher说:“对我来说,这是个很棒的体验。即使就视觉或听觉的效果而言。我会向每个人推荐这个表演。”

NTD News, Berlin.



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