New Yorkers Sell Old Jewelry as Gold Prices Hit Record High
黄金价格创新高 纽约人卖旧珠宝
1. amidst: prep. [əˋmɪdst] 在…之中、 在…中间
2. gloomy: adj. [ˋglumɪ] 阴暗的
3. soar: v. [sor]猛增、暴涨
4. flight-to-safety: 指安全投资转移
5. get rid of: ph. [gɛt] [rɪd] [ɑv] 摆脱
6. figure: v. [ˋfɪgjɚ]认为、料到
7. spot market: ph. [spɑt] [ˋmɑrkɪt]现货市场
8. lucrative: adj. [ˋlukrətɪv]有利可图、赚钱的
9. necessity: n. [nəˋsɛsətɪ]必需品
10. mortgage: n. [ˋmɔrgɪdʒ]抵押借款
11. on and off: ph. [ɑn] [ænd] [ɔf]继继续续
12. bring in : ph. [brɪŋ] [ɪn]产生(利润,进息,收入)
Amidst the gloomy financial outlook in the United States, one business in soaring–that of gold buying.
Gold set a second-straight day record high on flight-to-safety buying, selling for $1,877 an ounce on Friday.
And while buyers see their business boom, sellers take the opportunity to make some extra money by getting rid of their old jewelry.
Dimitriy Nezhinskiy is a gold buyer in the Diamond District in New York, and partner at Diamond District Gold Buyers.
Dimitriy Nezhinskiy是纽约钻石区黄金买家及合伙人。
Nezhinskiy says that his business has gone up about 40 percent in the past weeks.
[Dimitriy Nezhinskiy, Gold Buyer]:
“I’ve been getting a lot of calls. People ask me, they come because people follow the news. Like I said, they see prices high, so they figure now is a good time to sell.”
Dimitriy Nezhinskiy黄金买家说:
Nezhinskiy says that he pays his sellers 99 percent of the spot gold market price, but the 1 percent profit still makes for a lucrative business, with his shop buying an average of $100,000 worth of gold on a daily basis.
He says most people are selling their gold out of necessity, to pay their mortgage or rent. But for some, it’s a chance to get a little extra cash.
Ellen Weider walked into the store to sell her old rings that she almost never wears.
Ellen Weider走进店里,卖掉她几乎不戴的旧戒指。
After following gold prices for a while, Weider decided that today was the day.
[Ellen Weider, Jewelry Seller]:
“I have been following it, on and off just for a couple of weeks and it’s so high that I thought today is the day to bring in the things that I never wear and see how much they’re worth.”
珠宝卖家Ellen Weider说:
Weider got over $1100 for her old jewelry.
The extra cash will go towards a long-needed vacation, although she also said that she might hold on to it for a while.