
看新闻学英语:印尼人卧躺铁轨 为得免费治疗

Jessie Chen, David Lee
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Ailing Indonesians Lay on Train Tracks for Free Treatment
生病的印尼人卧躺火车轨道 为得免费治疗

1. ailing: adj. [ˋelɪŋ] 生病的
2. associate: v. [əˋsoʃɪ͵et] 把…联想在一起
3. alternative: n. [ɔlˋtɝnətɪv] 供选择的东西(或办法等)
4. conventional: adj. [kənˋvɛnʃən!]普通的、常见的
5. therapy: n. [ˋθɛrəpɪ] 治疗, 疗法
6. electricity: n. [͵ilɛkˋtrɪsətɪ]电流
7. symptom: n. [ˋsɪmptəm] 症状, 征候
8. rheumatism: n. ˋrumə͵tɪzəm] 风湿病
9. diabetes: n. [͵daɪəˋbitiz] 糖尿病
10. abound: v. [əˋbaʊnd] 大量存在
11. uric: adj. [ˋjʊrɪk]尿酸的
12. impediment: n. [ɪmˋpɛdəmənt] 妨碍, 阻碍; 障碍物

The practice of lying across train tracks is not normally associated with good health, but for an increasing number of Indonesians, it’s become an effective alternative to conventional medical therapy for easing aches and pains.

It’s all about the electricity.

They say the mild current that passes through their bodies when they lie across the track, makes pain go away and eases the symptoms of a range of conditions from rheumatism to diabetes.

One particular track in western Jakarta has become popular with people who are either either too poor to afford conventional medical treatments or for whom those treatments have been ineffective.

[Husin, Local User]:
“I had an accident and caused a fracture in my bone, I could not do any activities before. But now I can wake up by myself and walk. Thanks to the therapy I did for 2.5 months recently.”

[Inah, Satisfied User]:
“I had uric acid in my hand joint which was hard to move, but thank god now it’s getting better.”

According to government statistics more than 30 million Indonesians are officially poor.

The country’s national health service is often accused of being too expensive for its poor.

As a result alternative therapies are abound throughout the country.

No studies have been conducted on the medical benefits of electricity from the railway tracks.

But a local medical practitioner is concerned.

[Dr. Dwi Yani, Chief, Local Health Center]:
“Electricity is used for special cases and severe cases but it’s not used for all diseases. But here they use the therapy for all kinds of diseases and this situation will impact on physical body, brain and heart.”
当地健康中心主任,Dwi Yani医生说:

But for officials trying to keep the trains running safely and on time, the “therapy” seekers are an impediment.

[Suardi, Chain Station Chief]:
“We already see that the activities are very dangerous for them and they are also disturbing train travel.”

Officials say there have been no accidents involving trains and therapy-seekers so far.


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