今天联合国广场的游客依旧是川流不息,走过展板的人都会停下脚步观看或是寻问情况,几乎都会摇头,有一对游客说:Such a thing happening in China amazing,Is how all this Communist country,people should call to step down. (中国发生的这种事太不可思议了,共产党的国家怎么都这样,人民应该叫它下台。) And encourage us, wish us luck. (并鼓励我们,祝我们好运。) 还与我们一起合影留念。
我们会天天去联合国总部抗议,直到强迁问题得到妥善解决!(We will go to United Nations headquarters to protest every day until the eviction issue be resolved!)
请海内外各界人士持续关注他们在联合国的维权行动!(Please home and abroad to continue to focus their activism in the United Nations!)
艾福荣:3478326300 葛丽芳:7184501446 杨律:718-755-3440