

Harrison Wu, David Lee
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1. struggle :[ˋstrʌgl] vi努力; 使劲
2. kick off: 开始
3. district : [ˋdɪstrɪkt] n. 行政区
4. atmosphere: [ˋætməs͵fɪr] n. 气氛
5. look forward to+Ving:盼望
6. trademark : [ˋtred͵mɑrk] n. 商标
7. queue : [kju] n. 行列, 长队
8. blanket : [ˋblæŋkɪt] n. 毛毯
9. manage to : 设法达成
10. delighted : [dɪˋlaɪtɪd] a. 高兴的
11. flawless : [ˋflɔlɪs] a. 完美无瑕疵的
12. integration : [͵ɪntəˋgreʃən] n. 整合

Hundreds of customers lined up outside Apple stores in Australia and New Zealand on Friday for the international launch of the iPad 2, which has flown off the shelves in the U.S., leaving the company struggling to meet demand.

The iPad 2, a thinner and faster version that features two cameras for video chat, was introduced in the United States on March 11.

Sales kicked off in Australia at 5pm local time, and excited customers lined outside the glass-fronted Apple store in Sydney’s central business district.

Some customers were waiting in line for more than 24 hours.

[James Dounis, Apple Fan]:
“It is exciting because we haven’t done it before and just the atmosphere, everyone else is here, everyone is looking forward to the same thing you are, so it is just a whole different experience altogether.”
苹果迷James Dounis说:“真是令人兴奋,因为我们以前没干过这样的事,这种气氛,其他人也在这里,每个人跟你一样都期待着同一个东西,整个加总起来真是全然不同的体验。”

Apple staff in Sydney, dressed in the company’s trademark blue shirts, handed out trays of sandwiches to those in the queue, some of whom spent the night on blankets laid out on the streets.

Those who managed to purchase the item were delighted.

“I’m very happy.”

“Looking forward to playing with it, yes, very excited.”

“I am expecting a flawless, flawless design, in terms of software, hardware and its integration.”

The iPad 2’s retail price in Australia starts at A$579, almost $70 more than in the United States.
在澳洲 iPad2的零售价为美金$579元起,几乎比在美国多了美金$70元。

The first iPad, which went on sale a year ago, sold 500,000 units in the first week and crossed the 1 million unit mark in 28 days. Nearly 15 million iPads were sold in nine months of 2010 – two or three times as many as analysts had predicted.

Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs said on Tuesday the company was “working hard to build enough iPads for everyone.”

The iPad 2 will be available in Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore and other countries in April.
iPad2 将于四月起在香港、南韩、新加坡及其他国家发售。

本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw

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