


“精彩绝伦的演出” –神韵在澳大利亚悉尼

“An Absolutely Spectacular Performance” – Shen Yun in Sydney, Australia

“精彩绝伦的演出” –神韵在澳大利亚悉尼




1. spectacular: n. [spɛkˋtækjəlɚ]壮观、惊人的

2. impress: v. [ɪmˋprɛs]给…极深刻的印象

3. obviously: adv. [ˋɑbvɪəslɪ]显然地

4. unfold: n. [ʌnˋfold]展开

5. vibrancy: n. [ˋvaɪbrənsɪ]活力

6. performance: n. [pɚˋfɔrməns]表演

7. blow away: ph. [blo] [əˋwe]震惊、惊愕

8. athleticism: n. [æθˋlɛtəsɪzəm]体育

9. movement: n. [ˋmuvmənt]动作

10. precision: n. [prɪˋsɪʒən]准确

11. along with: ph. [əˋlɔŋ] [wɪð] 与…在一起

12. acrobatic: adj. [͵ækrəˋbætɪk]特技的

Bernard Fehon, a financial planner, was impressed by Shen Yun’s final show of 2011 in Sydney, Australia.

Bernard Fehon是一位财务规划师,对神韵2011年,在澳大利亚悉尼的最后一场演出,留下深刻印象。

[Bernard Fehon, Financial Planner]:

Bernard Fehon说:

“Well, beauty is the word that comes to mind. Obviously that the spectacular opening, lots of color and life, and as the various pieces unfold, the word that comes to mind is beauty. Some of the costumes are very beautiful, and lots of vibrancy and color, but very interesting.”

“浮现脑海的就是个美字。很显然地,开幕的壮观,许多的色彩和生命,各种不同的部分展开,映入我脑海的就是美字。 有些服装非常美丽,很多活力和色彩,但很有趣。”

Dance teacher Melissa Caltiviano brought 144 students to see the show. This is the second year she has brought students to the show.

舞蹈老师Melissa Caltiviano带了144位学生来看表演。 这是她第二年带学生来看演出。

[Melissa Caltiviano, School Dance Coordinator]:

“It is amazing it is an absolutely spectacular performance. The students are loving it. It is a very interesting way for them to see and learn a little bit about the Chinese culture… “

学校舞蹈老师Melissa Caltiviano说:

“演出太令人惊喜,非常精彩。学生们都很喜爱。 这是种非常有趣的方式,让他们看到,并了解中华文化一点点。”

She says the students were impressed by Shen Yun’s dancers.


[Melissa Caltiviano, School Dance Coordinator]:

“The performance is amazing – the girls are absolutely blown away by the athleticism and the absolutely amazing ability of the dancers.”

学校舞蹈老师Melissa Caltiviano说:


[Kim Thompson, Psychologist]:

“But I think just the movement and the color and the precision of the dancing along withsome acrobatics as well, that’s been really spectacular.”

心理学家Kim Thompson说:


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那么“看”这个动作,可以是see, look, watch等字,但在古希腊罗马文字中,-spect, -vis也是“看”的意思,虽然在当代并不成为一个单字,然而却是很重要的字根。在漫长的语言形成过程中,许多有关“看”的衍伸字,就是从-spect, -vis衍伸而来。


常用字根 –spect=to look,看

1.inspect=in-+-spect, v.调查(to look into, 看进去)

2.respect=re-+-spect, v.尊敬(to look again, 尊敬所以再看一次)

3.suspect=su-(under)+-spect, n.嫌犯(to look under, 嫌犯眼睛都朝地下看)

4.expect=e(ex, out)+-spect, v.期望(to look out,向窗外望夫)

5.retrospect=retro-(back)+-spect, v. 回顾(to look back)

常用字根 –vis = to see, 看

1.visible: adj. 可看的见的

2.invisible: adj. 看不见的(in- 亦为否定字首)

3.vision: n. 视野、愿景

4.television: n. 电视(tele- = far, 电视可看到很远如纽约的影像)

5.revise: v. 修正(to see again, 修正当然得再看一遍)


本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw