

David Lee
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Egypt President Hosni Mubarak Steps Down

1. reign: [ren] n. 统治
2. grip : [grɪp] n. 紧握
3. resolve : [rɪˋzɑlv] v. 决心
4. outrage: [ˋaʊt͵redʒ] v. 激怒
5. lift : [lɪft] 解除
6. martial : [ˋmɑrʃəl] adj. 军事的
7. grievance: [ˋgrivəns] n. 不满、抱怨
8. embattled: [ɪmˋbæt!d] adj. 四面楚歌的
9. appear: [əˋpɪr] v. 似乎
10. waive: [wev] 放弃; 撤回

Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak stepped down on Friday. It comes after 18 days of protests in Cairo weakened his 30-year grip on power.

In a speech Thursday night, Mubarak had resolved to stay until the end of his term this year. Protestors were outraged; they had been expecting his resignation in that speech. That’s why it came to many as a surprise that Mubarak, in a brief televised appearance, suddenly stepped down today. Protestors cheered in the streets.

Mubarak is the second Arab leader to resign this year. Tunisia’s president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali resigned last month after protests rocked that country.

In Egypt, Hossam Badrawi also stepped down. Just days ago Badrawi had been appointed to head the embattled ruling party, and had mistakenly predicted on television that Mubarak would resign Thursday night.

Also today, Vice President Omar Suleiman appeared to waive his right to take over the presidency, handing over power to the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces.

The Armed Forces then announced that they would lift martial law when the security allows. Martial law—one of protestors’ biggest grievances—has been in place since 1981.

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本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw

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