

Jessie Chen, David Lee
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Guilty Verdict for Michael Jackson’s Doctor

1. verdict: [ˋvɝdɪkt]n.判决、裁定
2. hail: [hel]v.为…欢呼、为…喝采
3. involuntary manslaughter: n.过失杀人
4. overdose: [ˋovɚ͵dos]n.药剂过量
5. sedative: [ˋsɛdətɪv]n.镇静剂
6. anaesthetic: [͵ænəsˋθɛtɪk] adj.麻醉的
7. propofol: n.异丙酚
8. administer: [ədˋmɪnəstɚ] v.给予、提供
9. unanimous: [jʊˋnænəməs] adj.一致同意的
10. captivate: [ˋkæptə͵vet] v.使着迷的
11. face up to: ph.面对现实
12. sentence: [ˋsɛntəns]v.判决、宣判

Michael Jackson fans cheered and his family members hailed as a triumph, the verdict on Monday that found Dr. Conrad Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the singer’s death.
麦克杰克逊的歌迷欢呼雀跃,他的家族成员胜利喝采。周一,Conrad Murray医师被判定,对歌手之死,过失杀人。

The “Thriller” singer died in June 2009 at age 50 from an overdose of sedatives and the surgical anaesthetic propofol.

Murray, Jackson’s personal physician, administered the drugs to Jackson as a sleep aid.

Jackson’s sister, La Toya Jackson felt justice had been served.
杰克逊的姐姐,La Toya Jackso认为正义已被申张。

[La Toya Jackson, Michael Jackson’s Sister]:
“I feel so much better… Wonderful. Absolutely. Justice was served, Michael is watching over us.”
麦克杰克逊的姐姐La Toya Jackson说:
“我感觉好多了… …太好了。肯定地,正义已申张。麦克正在看着我们。”
The Los Angeles jury reached a unanimous guilty verdict, on involuntary manslaughter charges, following a six-week trial that captivated Jackson fans around the world.

Murray faces up to four years in jail when he is sentenced on November 29.
Murray将于 11月29日被判刑,面临长达四年的牢狱之灾。


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